Borsalino panama, stetson

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Chapeau borsalino cuir marron adulte

Chapeau borsalino cuir marron adulte

€6.96 EUR €4.88 EUR
Chapeau Borsalino Cuir Marron Adulte Complétez votre déguisement rétro avec ce chapeau borsalino cuir marron pour adulte. Élégant et authentique, il est parfait pour incarner le style des années 20...
Chapeau noir borsalino gangster / roi de la pop,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Black borsalino gangster / king of pop hat

€4.94 EUR €3.46 EUR
This borsalino hat is available in one adult size. In black felt, it is decorated with a white satin ribbon. Perfect for embodying a 1920s gangster or the King of...
Borsalino en tissu polyester 1er prix - Coloris au choix,Vert,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Borsalino in polyester fabric 1st price - Colors of your choice

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This borsalino hat is available in one adult size. You will have the choice of color: white, black, cream, blue, red, yellow, orange, pink, green and purple. The decorative ribbon...


Chapeau borsalino de gangtser en velours blanc adulte,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Adult's white velvet gangster borsalino hat

€4.03 EUR €2.02 EUR
This gangster hat is available in Adult one size. It represents a white velvet borsalino . Perfect for your 20s/30s themed parties!
Modèle d'exposition / Chapeau borsalino à sequins 6 LED - Rose gold,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Exhibition model / 6 LED sequin borsalino hat - Rose gold

€6.04 EUR €3.03 EUR
Exhibition model: Displayed in store window. This hat may be slightly damaged and/or worn by use: The LEDs / batteries no longer work. Very good general condition. This hat borsalino with rose gold...
KIT GANGSTER NOIR ET ROUGE,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux


€9.08 EUR €6.35 EUR
This gangster costume kit includes a hat, tie and handkerchief. The hat is black in color and has a red satin ribbon . It is available in one adult size....
Chapeau borsalino à sequins - Turquoise,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Borsalino hat with sequins - Turquoise

€4.54 EUR €3.27 EUR
This turquoise blue borsalino hat is available in one adult size. In fabric, it is covered with sequins . Perfect for adding some sparkle to your disco , 80s or...
CHAPEAU AL CAPONE NOIR ET BLANC,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux


€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
Chapeau de cow-boy noir avec cordon,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Black cowboy hat with drawstring

€4.54 EUR €3.86 EUR
This felt cowboy hat is black in color. It is available in one adult size. A sheriff's star is attached to the front of the hat. Ideal to complete your...


€9.08 EUR €6.35 EUR
This borsalino hat is black with white stripes. It is available in one adult size . A ribbon of white fabric decorates the circumference of the hat. This borsalino will...
Chapeau Cowboy à paillettes 1er prix - Argent,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

1st Prize Sequined Cowboy Hat - Silver

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This cowboy hat is made of plastic , covered with silver sequins . It is available in one adult size . This western hat will be perfect for celebrating a...


€2.52 EUR €1.82 EUR
This white borsalino hat is available in one adult size . It is decorated with a black and silver ribbon . This hat will be perfect to complete your 20s/...
CHAPEAU ROI DE LA POP BLANC / RUBAN NOIR,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux


€4.94 EUR €3.46 EUR
King of pop borsalino hat in white felt with black ribbon.
Chapeau borsalino anniversaire blanc / rose,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Birthday borsalino hat white / pink

€8.06 EUR €5.64 EUR
This borsalino hat is available in one adult size. It is made of white polyester fabric, decorated with a pink " Happy Birthday " ribbon and the inscriptions " 1...


€5.05 EUR €2.52 EUR
Borsalino Fedora hat in fabric, with black band. One adult size.


Chapeau borsalino à sequins 6 LED - Rose gold,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Borsalino hat with 6 LED sequins - Rose gold

€6.04 EUR €4.22 EUR
This hat borsalino sequin rose gold is bright . It is available in one adult size. The multicolor LEDs have several variations in the blink, available by repeatedly pressing the switch. It will be perfect to...
Chapeau borsalino à sequins 6 LED - Noir,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Borsalino hat with 6 LED sequins - Black

€6.04 EUR €4.22 EUR
This hat Borsalino with black sequins is luminous . It is available in one adult size. The multicolor LEDs have several variations in the blink, available by repeatedly pressing the switch. It will be perfect...
Chapeau borsalino cervelle,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Brain borsalino hat

€8.07 EUR €5.65 EUR
This borsalino hat is available in one adult size. He is covered with a bloody bandage, which reveals a brain in the open air! Creepy, this borsalino hat will be...
Chapeau de cow-boy noir clouté,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Studded black cowboy hat

€9.33 EUR €6.52 EUR
Chapeau borsalino luxe en tissu blanc rayé noir,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Luxury borsalino hat in black striped white fabric

€6.05 EUR €4.24 EUR
This luxury borsalino hat is available in one adult size. It is in black striped white satin fabric, decorated with a ribbon. Essential to complete your Al Capone and 20s/30s...
Chapeau borsalino à sequins 6 LED - Vert,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Borsalino hat with 6 LED sequins - Green

€6.04 EUR €4.22 EUR
This hat borsalino green sequin is bright . It is available in one adult size. The multicolor LEDs have several variations in the blink, available by repeatedly pressing the switch. It will be perfect to set...
Chapeau borsalino à sequins 6 LED - Or,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Borsalino hat with 6 LED sequins - Gold

€6.04 EUR €4.22 EUR
This hat borsalino with golden sequins is bright . It is available in one adult size. The multicolor LEDs have several variations in the blink, available by repeatedly pressing the switch. It will be perfect to...
Chapeau de cow-boy Pop Up avec sac de rangement tricolore France,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

French tricolor cowboy hat

€3.93 EUR €2.76 EUR
This felt cowboy hat is available in one adult size. It is in the colors of the French flag : blue, white and red. A lace is present to help...
Chapeau borsalino à sequins - Or,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Borsalino hat with sequins - Gold

€4.03 EUR €2.63 EUR
This golden borsalino hat is available in one adult size. In fabric, it is covered with sequins . Perfect for adding some sparkle to your disco , 80s or New...
Chapeau de cow-boy noir enfant,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Children's black cowboy hat

€3.93 EUR €2.76 EUR
This cowboy hat for children is made of black rigid felt. A border decorates the contours. Perfect for embodying a western character at a fancy dress party!
Chapeau de cow-boy marron enfant,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Children's brown cowboy hat

€3.93 EUR €3.34 EUR
This cowboy hat for children is made of brown rigid felt. A white border decorates the contours. Perfect for embodying a western character at a fancy dress party!
Chapeau fedora pailleté fluo - 4 coloris au choix,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Neon sequined fedora hat - 4 colors to choose from

€5.75 EUR €4.14 EUR
This fedora hat is covered with neon pink, orange, green or yellow sequins. Available in one adult size. A satin ribbon is present around the hat. Indispensable for your fluorescent...


Chapeau borsalino à sequins - Violet,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Borsalino hat with sequins - Purple

€4.54 EUR
This purple borsalino hat is available in one adult size. In fabric, it is covered with sequins . Perfect for adding some sparkle to your disco , 80s or New...
Chapeau borsalino à sequins - Rose,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Borsalino hat with sequins - Pink

€4.54 EUR
This pink borsalino hat is available in one adult size. In fabric, it is covered with sequins . Perfect for adding some sparkle to your disco , 80s or New...
Chapeau enfant de cowboy shériff noir,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Black sheriff cowboy child hat

€4.54 EUR
This felt cowboy hat is black in color. It is available in one child size. A sheriff's star is attached to the front of the hat. A cord will allow...
Chapeau de cow-boy en paille,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Straw cowboy hat

€5.05 EUR
This western hat is available in one adult size. It is made of woven straw, decorated with a cord and a tassel. This hat will be perfect to accessorize your...
Chapeau Cowboy à paillettes 1er prix - Orange,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

1st Prize Sequined Cowboy Hat - Orange

€2.52 EUR
This cowboy hat is made of plastic , covered with neon orange sequins . It is available in one adult size . This festive hat will be perfect for celebrating...
Chapeau borsalino à sequins - Noir,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Sequin Borsalino Hat - Black

€5.05 EUR
This black borsalino hat is available in one adult size. In fabric, it is covered with sequins . Perfect for adding some sparkle to your disco , 80s or New...
Chapeau adulte de cowboy shériff noir,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Black Sheriff Cowboy Adult Hat

€5.05 EUR
This felt cowboy hat is black in color. It is available in one adult size. A sheriff's star is attached to the front of the hat. A cord will allow...
Chapeau Cowboy à paillettes 1er prix - Jaune,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

1st Prize Sequined Cowboy Hat - Yellow

€2.52 EUR
This cowboy hat is made of plastic , covered with neon yellow sequins . It is available in one adult size . This festive hat will be perfect for celebrating...
Chapeau Cowboy à paillettes 1er prix - Vert lemon,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

1st prize sequin cowboy hat - Lemon green

€2.52 EUR
This cowboy hat is made of plastic , covered with neon green sequins . It is available in one adult size . This festive hat will be perfect for celebrating...
Chapeau luxe panama en paille,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Luxury straw panama hat

€9.08 EUR
This panama hat is available in one adult size. It is made of woven straw, decorated with a black fabric ribbon. This luxury hat will be perfect to accessorize your...
Chapeau borsalino velours vert Saint Patrick,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Saint Patrick green velvet borsalino hat

€5.05 EUR
This borsalino hat is available in one adult size. In green velvet, it is decorated with a satin ribbon , on which is written " Happy St. Patrick's day "....
Chapeau borsalino luxe en tissu blanc,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Luxury borsalino hat in white fabric

€5.54 EUR
This luxury borsalino hat is available in one adult size. It is in white satin fabric, decorated with a black ribbon. Essential to complete your Al Capone and 20s/30s disguise!
Chapeau shiny argent,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Silver shiny hat

€5.54 EUR
This shiny borsalino hat is available in one adult size. In fabric, it is covered with silver sequins . Perfect to complete your disco , 80s or New Years costume!
Chapeau borsalino à sequins - Rouge,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Borsalino hat with sequins - Red

€4.54 EUR
This red borsalino hat is available in one adult size. In fabric, it is covered with sequins . Perfect for adding some sparkle to your disco , 80s or New...
Chapeau de cow-boy marron avec cordon,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Brown cowboy hat with drawstring

€5.05 EUR
This felt cowboy hat is camel brown in color. It is available in one adult size. A cord will allow it to be worn on the back! Ideal to complete...
Chapeau de cow-boy imitation nubuck Blanc,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Faux nubuck cowboy hat White

€5.05 EUR
This cowboy hat is colored white , imitation nubuck . It is available in one adult size. Stitching in black faux leather forms the patterns that decorate the hat. A cord...
Chapeau borsalino Capone à paillettes 1er prix - Vert lemon,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Capone borsalino hat with sequins 1st price - Lemon green

€1.51 EUR
This borsalino hat is made of plastic , covered with neon green sequins . It is available in one adult size . This Capone hat will be perfect for celebrating...
Chapeau borsalino Capone à paillettes 1er prix - Turquoise,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Capone borsalino hat with sequins 1st price - Turquoise

€1.51 EUR
This borsalino hat is made of plastic , covered with turquoise sequins . It is available in one adult size . This Capone hat will be perfect for celebrating a...
Chapeau borsalino Capone à paillettes 1er prix - Jaune,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

1st price Sequin Capone borsalino hat - Yellow

€1.51 EUR
This borsalino hat is made of plastic , covered with neon yellow sequins . It is available in one adult size . This Capone hat will be perfect for celebrating...
Chapeau borsalino Capone à paillettes 1er prix - Noir,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Capone Sequin Borsalino Hat 1st Prize - Black

€1.51 EUR
This borsalino hat is made of plastic , covered with black sequins . It is available in one adult size . This Capone hat will be perfect for celebrating a...
Chapeau borsalino Capone à paillettes 1er prix - Orange,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Capone borsalino hat with sequins 1st price - Orange

€1.51 EUR
This borsalino hat is made of plastic , covered with neon orange sequins . It is available in one adult size . This Capone hat will be perfect for celebrating...
Chapeau borsalino Capone à paillettes 1er prix - Violet,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Capone Sequin Borsalino Hat 1st Prize - Purple

€2.02 EUR
This borsalino hat is made of plastic , covered with purple sequins . It is available in one adult size . This Capone hat will be perfect for celebrating a...
Chapeau Cowboy à paillettes 1er prix - Violet,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

1st Prize Sequined Cowboy Hat - Purple

€2.52 EUR
This cowboy hat is made of plastic , covered with purple sequins . It is available in one adult size . This western hat will be perfect for celebrating a...
Discover our collection of hats in the style of borsalino panamas, stetsons. An important accessory to finalize your gangster disguise, Michael Jackson or your disco outfit.