Zizi humor gifts

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Menottes métal en fourrure bleu,Farces et attrapes,Farfouil_en_fete

Blue fur metal handcuffs

€3.93 EUR
This pair of blue fur handcuffs is made of metal. The keys are provided. Perfect as a naughty gift , for a bachelor or bachelorette party and more!
Sifflet coquin seins,Cadeaux,Farfouil_en_fete

Naughty whistle tits

€4.54 EUR
Thanks to this pink whistle in the shape of a pair of breasts , you will not go unnoticed! For a bachelorette party or other themed evening, look no further...
Seins sauteurs,Cadeaux,Farfouil_en_fete

Jumping tits

€4.54 EUR
These jumping breasts never fail! Thanks to its wind-up mechanism mounted on springs, they go hopping ! A humorous gift that will make more than one laugh!
Zizi sauteur,Cadeaux,Farfouil_en_fete

Jumping penis

€4.54 EUR
This jumping penis never fails! Thanks to its spring-mounted wind-up mechanism, it jumps away! A humorous gift that will make more than one laugh!
Préservatif humoristique - Devine qui va vider son sac ce soir ?!,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Guess who is going to empty his bag tonight?!

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model Guess who's going to empty his bag tonight?! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and...
Préservatif humoristique - Saucisson sexe,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Sausage sex

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model Little pig / Sausage sex! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - J'peux pas, j'ai un plan cul,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - I can't, I have a sex plan

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model I can't, I have a plan! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Bon pour 1 tour,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Good for 1 round

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model Good for 1 round! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Dragon Ball,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Dragon Ball

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Dragon Ball model / Do you want to see my crystal balls! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN...
Préservatif humoristique - Bande avec ta star,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Strip with your star

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model Dance with the stars / Band with your star! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074...
Préservatif humoristique - Joyeux anniversaire,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous Condom - Happy Birthday

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Template Happy Birthday! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Noël, c''est comme le sexe,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Christmas is like sex

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model Christmas is like sex! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Elle ne va pas se sucer toute seule,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - She's not going to suck herself

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model She's not going to suck herself! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - J'accoste,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - I accost

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Lacoste model / I dock! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Popole emploi,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Popol emploi

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Pôle emploi / Popol emploi model! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Monte là-dessus et tu verras l'arc-en-ciel !,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous Condom - Step on it and you'll see the rainbow!

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Unicorn model / Climb on it and you will see the rainbow! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN...
Préservatif humoristique - Oublies que t'as aucune chance !,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Forget you have no chance!

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model Jean Claude Dusse / Forget that you have no chance, on a misunderstanding, it can work! Humorous...
Préservatif humoristique - XXXS,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - XXXS

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! XXX model! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Pass vaginal,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Vaginal pass

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Pass Vaginal model! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Vers l'infini et sous les draps,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - To infinity and under the sheets

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model Towards infinity and under the sheets! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Tinder Surprise,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous Condom - Tinder Surprise

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model Kinder Surprise / Tinder Surprise! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - T'es Canon alors Nikon,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - You're Canon then Nikon

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model You're Canon then Nikon! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Vous ne passerez pas,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - You will not pass

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Gandalf model / You will not pass! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Supermâle,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Supermale

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Superman / Supermale model! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Tu veux voir ma baguette ?,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Do you want to see my wand?

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model Do you want to see my wand? ! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and...
Préservatif humoristique - Alors ?! On n'attend pas ma trique ?,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - So?! We are not expecting my boner?

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model Camping / So?! We are not expecting my boner? Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074...
Préservatif humoristique - Laboure moi dans le pré,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Plow me in the meadow

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model Plow me in the meadow! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - N°1 sur les potos,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - N°1 on potos

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Koh Lanta model / N°1 on the potos! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA...
Préservatif humoristique - Rondelle de saucisson,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Slice of sausage

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Sausage slice pattern! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - L'Abstinence,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Abstinence

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model Abstinence causes vision problems! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Plus belle ma bite,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - More beautiful my cock

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model More beautiful my cock! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - La cigarette tue, la pipe détend,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - The cigarette kills, the pipe relaxes

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model The cigarette kills, the pipe relaxes! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Le côté obscur,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - The dark side

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Star Wars model / Wanna see the dark side?! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and...
Préservatif humoristique - Le petit enculé,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - The little fucker

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model The little motherfucker! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - La Casa de Popol,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - La Casa de Popol

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! La Casa de Popol model! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Ce soir, j'conclus !,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Tonight, I conclude!

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model Jean Claude Dusse / Tonight, I conclude! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA...
Préservatif humoristique - Dekaalott,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Dekaalott

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Kaamelott / Dekaalott model! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Apéricul,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Apéricul

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Apéricube / Apéricul model! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Préservatif humoristique - Just do it,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Just do it

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Just Do It! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Tétine zizi,Cadeaux,Farfouil_en_fete

Zizi pacifier

€4.54 EUR
There Zizi pacifier is the perfect accessory for a successful hen party ! This fun and amazing pacifier is shaped like a penis and can be worn around the neck using...
Préservatif humoristique - Harry Potter,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Harry Potter

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Harry Potter model / Do you want to see my wand? She is magical! Humorous condom, compliant with...
Tétine seins,Cadeaux,Farfouil_en_fete

Breast pacifier

€4.54 EUR
The breast pacifier is the perfect accessory for a successful bachelor party ! This fun and surprising pacifier is shaped like breasts and can be worn around the neck using...


€1.91 EUR
Real condom with a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model condom " AN ALMOST PERFECT MARY "
Sifflet coquin zizi,Cadeaux,Farfouil_en_fete

Naughty willy whistle

€4.54 EUR
With this pink penis -shaped whistle , you won't go unnoticed! For a bachelorette party or other themed evening, look no further and fall for this humorous accessory ! To...
Préservatif humoristique - Permis de conclure,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - Permit to conclude

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Model License to conclude! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and FDA standards.
Cagoule tête de gland,Masques,Farfouil_en_fete

Acorn head balaclava

€13.61 EUR
So that " Head of acorn " is not just an expression or an insult! This penis -shaped balaclava is available in one size and leaves the face uncovered. Perfect...
Préservatif humoristique - La force en toi,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - The force in you

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Yoda model / The strength in you, you will feel! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074...
TRANSPERCE TETE ZIZI,A definir,Farfouil_en_fete


€5.24 EUR
For a bachelor party or an evening placed under the sign of humor, this accessory will give the impression that this sex is piercing your head! Laughing guaranteed !
Préservatif humoristique - Je ne serai pas son père,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Humorous condom - I won't be his father

€1.91 EUR
Real condom, in a humorous pouch! An effective, funny and inexpensive gift! Darkapote model / I will not be his father! Humorous condom, compliant with NF EN ISO 4074 and...
PROF PALUCHEUR SURPRISEZ VOUS,Farces et attrapes,Farfouil_en_fete


€3.53 EUR
With the chubby teacher , make your friends laugh! Turn the mechanism and he starts to paw quickly! A humorous and naughty little gadget to offer to a teacher!

Guaranteed Laughter: Zizi Humor Gifts

Spark Smiles with Unique Gift Ideas

Explore our world of humorous penis gifts for hilarious moments. Offer a personalized gift or find the perfect joke with our festive accessories . Because laughter is the best gift, discover unique ideas to surprise and entertain.

Naughty and Funny Moments for All Tastes

Celebrate humor with our witty gifts . Whether you're looking for a unique gift for men or a quirky Valentine's Day gift idea, our collection offers a diverse range of naughty jokes. Explore gift ideas that will make an impression and spark memorable laughs.

Zizi Humor: A Trend That Hits the Mark

Discover our selection of humorous penis gifts and immerse yourself in a world of wacky jokes. Our range includes gift ideas for all tastes, guaranteeing moments of joy and lightheartedness. Make every occasion a naughty and entertaining one with Farfouil en fête!