Harry Potter themed birthday boy decoration

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Sablier des sables en polyrésine serpents noirs,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

Sablier des sables en polyrésine serpents noirs

€30.15 EUR €21.10 EUR
Sablier des sables en polyrésine serpents noirs Ajoutez une touche d'élégance mystérieuse à votre décoration avec ce sablier des sables en polyrésine serpents noirs. Ce magnifique sablier de 9,5 cm...
Sachet de 50 ballons de 30 cm jaune vintage Balloonia®,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Sachet de 50 ballons de 30 cm jaune vintage Balloonia®

€7.05 EUR €4.94 EUR
Ce sachet contient 50 ballons jaune vintage. Ils sont adaptés au gonflage à l'air ou à l'hélium. Caractéristiques : Diamètre : 12" / 30 cm environ Contenance en gaz : 0.018 m³...
8 assiettes en carton écologique de 23 cm Harry Potter™,Farfouil en fête,Assiettes, sets de table

8 eco-friendly paper plates 23 cm Harry Potter™

€5.54 EUR €4.71 EUR
This set contains 8 paper plates featuring the image of the Harry Potter™ saga . They measure 23 cm in diameter. The sorting hat, a grimoire, the scarf, the wand...
Nappe en papier Harry Potter™ 137 x 213 cm,Farfouil en fête,Nappes, serviettes

Harry Potter™ paper tablecloth 137 x 213 cm

€7.31 EUR €5.26 EUR
This paper tablecloth bears the image of the Harry Potter™ saga . It measures 137 cm wide and 213 cm long. Hogwarts castle, Quidditch rings, Hedwig owl with a broom...
Flacon / fiole en verre transparent avec bouchon crâne,Farfouil en fête,Contenants alimentaire

Clear glass bottle/vial with skull cap

€9.06 EUR €6.34 EUR
This glass bottle measures 16 cm high. It is transparent, decorated with an Arsenic label and a skull cap . Perfect for creating the outfit of the perfect witch ,...
Guirlande / bannière "Happy Birthday" Harry Potter™ 182 cm,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

Garland / banner "Happy Birthday" Harry Potter™ 182 cm

€4.03 EUR €2.89 EUR
This "Happy Birthday" cardboard garland bears the image of the Harry Potter™ saga . It measures 182 cm long and each letter is approximately 12 cm high. It is in...
8 assiettes en carton écologique de 18 cm Harry Potter™,Farfouil en fête,Assiettes, sets de table

8 eco-friendly paper plates 18 cm Harry Potter™

€4.28 EUR €3.64 EUR
This set contains 8 paper plates featuring the image of the Harry Potter™ saga . They measure 18 cm in diameter. The owl Hedwig, a broom and Hogwarts castle are...
Guirlande / bannière "Happy Birthday" Poudlard Harry Potter™ 182 cm,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

Hogwarts Harry Potter™ Happy Birthday Garland / Banner 182cm

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
This "Happy Birthday" cardboard garland bears the image of the Harry Potter™ saga . It measures 182 cm long and each letter is approximately 13 cm high. Each crest is...
Flacon / fiole en verre Halloween - Coloris aléatoire,Farfouil en fête,Contenants alimentaire

Halloween glass bottle / vial - Random color

€2.72 EUR €1.91 EUR
This glass bottle measures 5 cm in diameter and 11 cm high. Depending on the model, it may be black (human blood), red (spider venom) or green (toad slime). Perfect...
Lanterne japonaise noire à pois 35 cm,Farfouil en fête,Lampions, lanternes, boules alvéolés

Japanese black polka dot lantern 35 cm

€6.05 EUR €4.24 EUR
This black lantern with gold dots measures 35 cm in diameter . Made of non-fireproof paper , it is only intended for decorative use and cannot contain wax candles. A...
Bougie boule 6 cm - Vert Jungle,Farfouil en fête,Bougies, bougeoirs, photophores

Ball candle 6 cm - Jungle Green

€2.17 EUR €1.51 EUR
This Green Jungle candle in the shape of a ball measures 6 cm in diameter. She will bring a warm touch to all your events!
Rouleau de corde naturelle 20 mètres,Farfouil en fête,Rubans, bolducs

Roll of natural rope 20 meters

€2.93 EUR €2.11 EUR
This roll contains 20 meters of natural 100% jute rope . It is 1.5mm in diameter. Perfect for your wedding decoration, baptism , communion , and much more!
Lanterne japonaise noire 35 cm,Farfouil en fête,Lampions, lanternes, boules alvéolés

Black Japanese lantern 35 cm

€3.03 EUR €2.12 EUR
This black lantern measures 35 cm in diameter . Made of non-fireproof paper , it is only intended for decorative use and cannot contain wax candles. A metal structure will...
Cravate apprenti sorcier dans 4 écoles au choix,Farfouil en fête,Cravates, Noeuds papillons

Sorcerer's apprentice tie in 4 schools of your choice

€3.93 EUR €2.83 EUR
This tie in the style of the famous wizard comes in 4 colors to choose from. It measures 145 cm x 7 cm x 3.5 cm, it is entirely made...


Chemin de table en toile de jute maille large 500 x 28 cm,Farfouil en fête,Chemins et sets de table

Wide mesh hessian table runner 500 x 28 cm

€8.57 EUR €6.00 EUR
This table runner is 5 m long and 28 cm wide . It is made of wide-mesh natural hessian. It will be perfect to decorate your table for all occasions!
Collier balai de sorcière,Farfouil en fête,Bijoux

Witch's broom necklace

€3.18 EUR €2.23 EUR
This metal necklace is decorated with a witch's broom . Perfect for accessorizing your Harry Potter™ or Halloween costume! 55% zinc, 40% cadmium, 5% others.
Chemin de table en toile de jute 500 x 28 cm,Farfouil en fête,Chemins et sets de table

Burlap table runner 500 x 28 cm

€9.58 EUR €6.90 EUR
This table runner is 5 m long and 28 cm wide . It is made of natural burlap. It will be perfect to decorate your table for all occasions!
Lanterne japonaise noire 15 cm,Farfouil en fête,Lampions, lanternes, boules alvéolés

Black Japanese lantern 15 cm

€2.02 EUR €1.42 EUR
This black lantern measures 15 cm in diameter . Made of non-fireproof paper , it is only intended for decorative use and cannot contain wax candles. A metal structure will...
8 crayons à papier Harry Potter™,Farfouil en fête,Jouets de kermesse

8 Harry Potter™ pencils

€4.28 EUR €3.64 EUR
This set of 8 pencils is in the colors of the Harry Potter™ saga . 2 different models are present in this bag. Each of the pencils has an eraser...
4 bracelets strech Harry Potter™,Farfouil en fête,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos

4 Harry Potter™ stretch bracelets

€5.54 EUR €3.99 EUR
These silicone wristbands are sold in sets of 4. There's one for each Hogwarts house: red for Gryffindor, green for Slytherin, blue for Ravenclaw, and yellow for Hufflepuff. Perfect to...
Crâne bonze en résine 18 cm,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

Bonze skull in resin 18 cm

€19.11 EUR €13.38 EUR
This golden/bronze resin skull measures 18 x 14 x 11 cm. Of very good quality, this skull will be perfect to complete your Halloween , pirate decor, etc.
4 fanions à suspendre Harry Potter™,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

4 Harry Potter™ hanging pennants

€12.35 EUR €8.89 EUR
This set contains 4 felt pennants to hang , bearing the image of the Harry Potter™ saga . Each measures 36cm high by 10cm wide. They are in the colors...
5 Décorations courges et citrouilles 41 cm,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

5 Squash and pumpkin decorations 41 cm

€7.05 EUR €3.53 EUR
This set consists of 5 cardboard gourds and pumpkins . They measure 41 cm on average. Perfect for your fall decoration , for Thanksgiving or for Halloween !
Guirlande à fanions 3 mètres - Poison-Potion Halloween,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

Pennant garland 3 meters - Poison-Potion Halloween

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This garland is beige in color, imitating the pages of an old grimoire. It measures 3m long and each pennant measures 10 x 15 cm. Spiders, bats, pumpkins, cats and...
Toile d'araignée blanche 56g + 4 araignées noires,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

White spider web 56g + 4 black spiders

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This bag contains 56 grams of white spider web and 4 black plastic spiders . You will have to hang it, then stretch it to form a beautiful, scary web!...
Bouteille en verre avec capuchon chauve-souris - Coloris aléatoire,Farfouil en fête,Contenants alimentaire

Glass bottle with bat cap - Random color

€4.28 EUR €3.00 EUR
This glass bottle with bat cap measures 14.5 cm high. Depending on the model, it can be transparent (vampire) or beige (Happy Halloween). Perfect for creating the outfit of the...
8 Gobelets en carton écologique de 270 ml Harry Potter™,Farfouil en fête,Verres et gobelets

8 Harry Potter™ 270ml eco-friendly paper cups

€5.54 EUR €4.71 EUR
This bag contains 8 paper cups featuring the image of the Harry Potter™ saga . They have a capacity of 27 cl. The Hogwarts Express, a suitcase, track 9 3/4,...
Chemin de table en jute naturelle 29 cm x 5m,Farfouil en fête,Chemins et sets de table

Natural jute table runner 29 cm x 5m

€9.98 EUR €6.99 EUR
This table runner is 5 m long and 29 cm wide . It is made of natural burlap . It will be perfect to decorate your table for all occasions!...
TOILE D'ARAIGNÉE BLANCHE 20G + 4 ARAIGNÉES NOIRES,Farfouil en fête,Décorations


€1.51 EUR €1.06 EUR
This bag contains 20 grams of white spider web and 4 black plastic spiders . You will have to hang it, then stretch it to form a beautiful scary canvas!...
Crâne en plastique 12 cm - modèle aléatoire,Farfouil en fête,A definir

Plastic skull 12 cm - random model

€3.93 EUR €2.76 EUR
This skull measures approximately 12 cm. It is beige and black, made of plastic. This skull will be perfect to complete your Halloween or pirate -themed decoration. 1 skull ....
Photobooth 8 pièces Harry Potter™,Farfouil en fête,Jeux entre amis

Harry Potter™ 8 Piece Photo Booth

€5.80 EUR €4.17 EUR
This set of 8 wizard -themed rod props will be perfect for having fun together, taking pictures! The animals of the 4 houses of Hogwarts (lion, snake, crow and badger),...
Nappe pliée en tarlatane ivoire 300 x 150 cm,Farfouil en fête,Nappes, serviettes

Folded tablecloth in ivory tarlatan 300 x 150 cm

€20.67 EUR €17.58 EUR
This fabric tablecloth , of good quality , measures 3m long and 1.50m wide . It is made of tarlatan (80% polyester, 20% cotton), ivory color. Perfect for decorating your table...
8 gobelets de 25 cl - Poison-Potion Halloween,Farfouil en fête,Verres et gobelets

8 cups of 25 cl - Poison-Potion Halloween

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This bag contains 8 paper cups. They have a capacity of 25 cl. Vials of poison and skulls are printed on a beige background, imitating the pages of an old...
8 assiettes de 23 cm - Poison-Potion Halloween,Farfouil en fête,Assiettes, sets de table

8 plates of 23 cm - Poison-Potion Halloween

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This bag contains 8 paper plates. They measure 23 cm in diameter. A large spider and the words "Spider Brain" are printed on a beige background, imitating the pages of...
16 serviettes de 33 cm - Poison-Potion Halloween,Farfouil en fête,Nappes, serviettes

16 napkins of 33 cm - Poison-Potion Halloween

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This bag contains 16 paper napkins. They measure 33 x 33 cm. Skulls are printed on a beige background, imitating the pages of an old grimoire. Perfect for a Halloween...
8 pailles en carton 3D - Poison-Potion Halloween,Farfouil en fête,Pailles, pics alimentaires, agitateurs

8 3D cardboard straws - Poison-Potion Halloween

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This set contains 8 cardboard straws . Spiders, cauldrons and skulls are printed on small circles, used to personalize these straws. Perfect for a Halloween table on the theme of...
Sachet de 100 ballons en latex métal noir 5" 12.5 cm Balloonia®,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Bag of 100 black metal latex balloons 5" 12.5 cm Balloonia®

€5.54 EUR €3.88 EUR
This bag contains 100 pearly black balloons . They are suitable for air inflation. Features : Diameter: 5" / 13 cm approx. Gas capacity: 0.0002 m³ Floating time: Air: 15...
8 gobelets chaudron de 200 ml Apprenti sorcier,Farfouil en fête,Verres et gobelets

8 cauldron cups of 200 ml Sorcerer's apprentice

€4.03 EUR €2.82 EUR
This bag contains 8 paper cups , representing bubbling cauldrons . They have a capacity of 200 ml. Perfect for a pretty Harry Potter™ themed table or for Halloween !
Sachet de 100 ballons 28 cm 11" Marron Balloonia®,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Bag of 100 balloons 28 cm 11" Brown Balloonia®

€8.98 EUR €7.64 EUR
This bag contains 100 brown balloons . They are suitable for inflation with air or helium . Features : Diameter: 11" / 28 cm approx. Gas capacity: 0.016 m³ Weight...
Guirlande vintage à fanions Harry Potter™,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

Vintage Harry Potter™ Pennant Garland

€2.17 EUR €1.56 EUR
This garland , equipped with plastic pennants, measures 2.7 meters. It depicts Harry Potter™ , riding a broom and trying to catch the Snitch . Perfect for a decoration on...
Corbeau à plumes 17 cm,Farfouil en fête,A definir

Feathered crow 17 cm

€10.03 EUR €7.02 EUR
This feathered crow measures 17 cm. It will find its place in your Halloween decor , on the Harry Potter theme,...
BAGUETTE SORCIER SON ET LUMIERE,Farfouil en fête,Cannes, baguettes


€7.21 EUR €5.19 EUR
This brown/beige plastic wizard wand features light and sound effects. It measures approximately 36 cm in length. It will be perfect to complete a sorcerer , mage , fairy or...
Ballon aluminium Harry Potter™ 45 cm,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Harry Potter™ Foil Balloon 45cm

€3.53 EUR €2.47 EUR
This round Harry Potter™ foil balloon measures 45cm in diameter. Inflated with air or helium, it represents the famous Hogwarts Houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. This balloon, under official...
Sachet de 25 ballons en latex noir 5" 12.5 cm Balloonia®,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Bag of 25 black latex balloons 5" 12.5 cm Balloonia®

€2.27 EUR €1.60 EUR
This bag contains 25 black balloons . They are suitable for inflation with air. Features : Diameter: 5" / 13 cm approximately Gas capacity: 0.0002 m³ Flotation time: Air: 15...
Balai Nimbus 2000 Harry Potter™,Farfouil en fête,Armes

Harry Potter™ Nimbus 2000 Broom

€35.19 EUR €29.91 EUR
This broom , under official Harry Potter ™ license measures approximately 90 cm. This replica of the Nimbus 2000 broom, the wizard's first broom, has the same details as the...
Sachet de 100 ballons en latex noir 5" 12.5 cm Balloonia®,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Bag of 100 black latex balloons 5" 12.5 cm Balloonia®

€6.00 EUR €4.21 EUR
This bag contains 100 black balloons . They are suitable for air inflation. Features : Diameter: 5" / 13 cm approx. Gas capacity: 0.0002 m³ Floating time: Air: 15 days...
Sachet de 100 ballons 28 cm 11" Chair Balloonia®,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Bag of 100 balloons 28 cm 11" Flesh Balloonia®

€8.98 EUR €6.28 EUR
This bag contains 100 beige balloons . They are suitable for inflation with air or helium . Features : Diameter: 11" / 28 cm approx. Gas capacity: 0.016 m³ Weight...
Ballon en latex "Joyeux anniversaire" pois et confettis 2' 60 cm - Noir,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Latex balloon "Happy birthday" polka dots and confetti 2' 60 cm - Black

€6.96 EUR €4.88 EUR
This natural latex balloon is black , printed with white polka dots and confetti, as well as the phrase " Happy Birthday ". It is suitable for inflation with air...
Ballon en latex "Joyeux anniversaire" pois et confettis 2' 60 cm - Couleur Or,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Latex balloon "Happy birthday" polka dots and confetti 2' 60 cm - Gold color

€6.96 EUR €4.88 EUR
This natural latex balloon is gold , printed with polka dots and white confetti, as well as the phrase " Happy Birthday ". It is suitable for inflation with air...
Sachet de 12 ballons de 28 cm Noir Balloonia®,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Bag of 12 balloons of 28 cm Black Balloonia®

€2.01 EUR €1.40 EUR
This bag contains 12 black balloons . They are suitable for inflation with air or helium . Features : Diameter: 11" / 28 cm approx. Gas capacity: 0.016 m³ Weight...
You will find all the decorative elements to create a Harry Potter-themed boy's birthday party.