90s Decorations

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Ballon mylar Goku Dragon Ball Super™ 36 x 45 cm,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Goku Dragon Ball Super™ mylar balloon 36 x 45 cm

€8.57 EUR €7.28 EUR
This foil balloon measures 36 x 45 cm. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , it represents Goku Super Saiyan Blue . Perfect for a pretty room on the theme of...
5 Suspensions en carton et spirales 60 cm Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

5 Cardboard and spiral suspensions 60 cm Dragon Ball Super™

€4.54 EUR €3.27 EUR
These  5 pendants measure 60 long. It consists of medallions measuring 17 cm in diameter . Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the character of Goku,...
8 gobelets en carton 250 ml Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Verres et gobelets

8 paper cups 250 ml Dragon Ball Super™

€4.28 EUR €3.09 EUR
These 8 cardboard cups have a capacity of 250 ml. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the character Goku Super Saiyan Blue . Perfect for a...
8 marques-places en carton Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 Dragon Ball Super™ cardboard place cards

€2.93 EUR €2.11 EUR
These 8 cardboard place cards measure 6 x 8 cm each. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the character Goku Super Saiyan Blue . Perfect for...
Guirlande en carton "Joyeux anniversaire" 250 cm Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

Cardboard garland "Happy Birthday" 250 cm Dragon Ball Super™

€4.94 EUR €3.56 EUR
This garland measures 2.50 meters long. It is made up of 16 cm letters , forming the words Happy Birthday . Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the...
Sachet de 15 graffitis années 80/90,Farfouil en fête,A definir

Bag of 15 80s/90s graffiti

€8.98 EUR €4.49 EUR
This bag is composed of 15 different graffiti in the style of the 80s . You have to hang them on the walls. It can be used for an 80s...
Chemin de table élégance 30 cm x 3m Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Chemins et sets de table

Elegance table runner 30 cm x 3m Dragon Ball Super™

€8.57 EUR €7.28 EUR
This roll of table runner measures 300 x 30 cm. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , it is printed with the 7 crystal balls . Perfect for a pretty table on...
8 assiettes en carton de 23 cm Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Assiettes, sets de table

8 paper plates of 23 cm Dragon Ball Super™

€4.94 EUR €3.56 EUR
These 8 paper plates measure 23 cm in diameter. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the character Goku Super Saiyan Blue . Perfect for a pretty...
8 pailles en papier avec médaillons Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Pailles, pics alimentaires, agitateurs

8 paper straws with Dragon Ball Super™ medallions

€4.94 EUR €3.56 EUR
These 8 cardboard straws measure 19.6 cm. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are decorated with medallions printed with the characters of Goku and Vegeta Super Saiyan Blue ....
Sachet de 6 ballons en latex Dragon Ball Super™ 27 cm,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Bag of 6 Dragon Ball Super™ latex balloons 27 cm

€4.54 EUR €3.27 EUR
This bag contains 6 yellow and blue balloons  27 cm in diameter. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , it represents Goku Super Saiyan Blue . Perfect for a pretty room...
Guirlande "Happy Birthday" Super Mario™ 190 x 15 cm,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

Garland "Happy Birthday" Super Mario™ 190 x 15 cm

€5.54 EUR €3.99 EUR
This cardboard garland measures 190 x 15 cm. It represents the words "Happy Birthday", printed with characters from the video game. This garland , under official Super Mario™ license, will...
6 suspensions spirales multicolores,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

6 multicolored spiral pendant lights

€6.56 EUR €3.28 EUR
Set of 6 multicolored metallic garlands to hang. The swirls come in different colors and measure 60 to 90 cm long. This decoration can be added to many different themes:...
8 gobelets en carton Super Mario™ 250 ml,Farfouil en fête,Verres et gobelets

8 Super Mario™ paper cups 250 ml

€2.52 EUR €1.82 EUR
These cardboard cups , in the colors of Super Mario ™, are sold by 8. They have a capacity of 250 ml. The characters of Mario and Luigi are printed...
Ballon en aluminium Super Mario™ 55 x 83 cm,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Super Mario™ foil balloon 55 x 83 cm

€8.98 EUR €6.28 EUR
This foil balloon measures 55 x 83 cm. It represents Mario , the famous video game plumber. Perfect for your Mario Bros and 80s/90s themed decoration!
20 serviettes noires en papier Super Mario™ 33 x 33 cm,Farfouil en fête,Nappes, serviettes

20 Super Mario™ black paper napkins 33 x 33 cm

€3.93 EUR €2.83 EUR
This bag contains 20 paper napkins in the colors of Super Mario™ . They measure 33 x 33 cm. The characters from the video game are printed on it, on...
Nappe en papier Dragon Ball Super™ 120 x 180 cm,Farfouil en fête,Nappes, serviettes

Dragon Ball Super™ paper tablecloth 120 x 180 cm

€7.96 EUR €5.74 EUR
This tablecloth in blue tones is made of paper . It is 1.80 m long and 1.20 m wide. The famous cry Kamé Hamé Ha! is inscribed on the entire...
Ballon foil Supershape Pokemon™ Pikachu 62 x 78 cm,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Foil balloon Supershape Pokemon™ Pikachu 62 x 78 cm

€8.57 EUR €6.00 EUR
This Pikachu™ foil balloon measures 62 x 78 cm. Inflated with air or helium, it is yellow in color and shaped like the famous Pokemon ™ Pikachu. This foil balloon,...
8 assiettes en carton de 18 cm Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Assiettes, sets de table

8 paper plates of 18 cm Dragon Ball Super™

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
These 8 small paper plates measure 18 cm in diameter. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the character Goku Super Saiyan Blue . Perfect for a...
Masque en plastique Mario Bros™ adulte,Farfouil en fête,Masques

Adult Mario Bros™ plastic mask

€8.57 EUR €6.17 EUR
This plastic mask , from the famous Mario™ , is for adults. An elastic band allows it to stay in place. This mask, officially licensed Super Mario™ Nintendo©, will be...
8 coiffes en carton Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

8 Dragon Ball Super™ cardboard headdresses

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
This bag contains 8 cardboard headdresses for children . Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they represent the hairstyles of Goku and Vegeta , in the black and Super Saiyan...
8 cartons d'invitation + enveloppes 15 x 10 cm Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 invitation cards + envelopes 15 x 10 cm Dragon Ball Super™

€2.72 EUR €1.96 EUR
These 8 invitation cards measure 15 x 10 cm. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the character Goku Super Saiyan Blue . A blue envelope is...
Nappe en papier recyclable 136 x 228 cm Nappe en papier recyclable 136 x 228 cm,Farfouil en fête,Nappes, serviettes

Recyclable paper tablecloth 136 x 228 cm Recyclable paper tablecloth 136 x 228 cm

€6.56 EUR €4.72 EUR
This recyclable paper tablecloth measures 228 cm x 136 cm. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , it is printed with the character Goku Super Saiyan Blue . Perfect for a...
4 Sacs à cadeaux en papier 15,8 x 23,6 cm Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Sacs, sacoches

4 Paper Gift Bags 15.8 x 23.6 cm Dragon Ball Super™

€4.94 EUR €3.56 EUR
These paper gift bags measure 6.25" x 9.25". Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the character of Goku and VegetaSuper Saiyan Blue . Perfect for giving...
Masque en plastique Luigi Mario Bros™ adulte,Farfouil en fête,Masques

Adult Luigi Mario Bros™ plastic mask

€8.57 EUR €3.86 EUR
This plastic mask , of the famous Luigi, brother of Mario™ , is for adults. An elastic band allows it to stay in place. This mask, officially licensed Super Mario™...
Guirlande à fanions Dragon Ball Super™ 360 cm,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

Dragon Ball Super™ pennant garland 360 cm

€5.95 EUR €4.28 EUR
This flag garland , in the colors of Dragon Ball Super ™, is 3.60 m long. It has 3 different pavilion models. Perfect for decorating a party room , your...
Rideau brillant bleu clair 92 x 250 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Shiny light blue curtain 92 x 250 cm

€6.05 EUR
This metallic blue curtain is 92 cm wide and 2.50 meters long. You can ideally place it on a door , a passage or a wall .
Radio cassette 90's gonflable,Farfouil en fête,Accessoires de déguisement

Inflatable 90's cassette radio

€6.05 EUR
This radio cassette , straight out of the 80s/90s, is inflatable . It is silver, printed with multicolored details. Perfect for accessorizing your disguise of the 80s/90s or to sublimate your...
8 petites cuillères en bois rose pastel et or,Farfouil en fête,Couverts jetables

8 teaspoons in pastel pink and gold wood

€2.52 EUR
This sachet contains 8 spoons , in natural, pastel pink and gold colours. Made of wood, they will be compostable ! Perfect for a pretty eco-responsible table!
Planches de 100 stickers - 90's Party,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

Sheets of 100 stickers - 90's Party

€4.03 EUR
This s boards contain 100 90s inspired stickers ! They will allow you to personalize invitation cards , menus , surprise bags , cups (so as not to be mistaken) and...
Guirlandes à fanions roses 3 mètres,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

Pink pennant garlands 3 meters

€5.05 EUR
This cardboard garland is pastel pink . It is 3 meters long. Flags, in 3 shades of pink and gold, are alternated on the garland. For a celebration or for...
8 petites fourchettes en bois rose pastel et or,Farfouil en fête,Couverts jetables

8 small pastel pink and gold wooden forks

€2.52 EUR
This bag contains 8 forks , in natural, pastel pink and gold colours. Made of wood, they will be compostable ! Perfect for a pretty eco-responsible table!
Rideau brillant violet 92 x 250 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Shiny purple curtain 92 x 250 cm

€6.05 EUR
This metallic purple curtain is 92 cm wide and 2.50 meters long. You can ideally place it on a door , a passage or a wall .
Rideau brillant irisé 92 x 250 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Shiny iridescent curtain 92 x 250 cm

€6.05 EUR
This metallic iridescent curtain is 92 cm wide and 2.50 meters long. You can ideally place it on a door , a passage or a wall .
8 petits couteaux en bois rose pastel et or,Farfouil en fête,Couverts jetables

8 small pastel pink and gold wooden knives

€2.52 EUR
This bag contains 8 knives , in natural, pastel pink and gold colours. Made of wood, they will be compostable ! Perfect for a pretty eco-responsible table!
Rideau brillant rose clair 92 x 250 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Shiny light pink curtain 92 x 250 cm

€6.05 EUR
This metallic pink curtain is 92 cm wide and 2.50 meters long. You can ideally place it on a door , a passage or a wall .
8 gobelets Back to 90's de 200 ml - 90's Party,Farfouil en fête,Verres et gobelets

8 Back to 90's cups of 200 ml - 90's Party

€4.03 EUR
This bag contains 8 paper cups . They have a capacity of 200 ml. They are multicolored and pastel, printed with the phrase " Back to 90's Party ". Perfect...
Chemin de table en voile de coton curry 300 x 30 cm,Farfouil en fête,Chemins et sets de table

Curry cotton voile table runner 300 x 30 cm

€11.59 EUR
This table runner is 3 meters long and 30 cm wide . It is made of curry yellow cotton veil, of superior quality. It will be perfect to decorate your...
6 ballon de baudruche 90's Party,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

6 90's Party balloons

€4.54 EUR
This bag contains 6 multicolored pastel latex balloons . They measure 27 cm in diameter and can be inflated with air or helium. Radios , cassettes and 90's motifs are...
10 pics à cocktail radio 9 cm - 90's Party,Farfouil en fête,Pailles, pics alimentaires, agitateurs

10 radio cocktail picks 9 cm - 90's Party

€2.52 EUR
This bag contains 10 cocktail picks in drink And 9cm box . They represent multicolored and pastel cassette radios. Perfect for sticking on your toast , appetizers , pastries , while decorating your...
Chemin de table en gaze de coton rose blush 300 x 30 cm,Farfouil en fête,Chemins et sets de table

Blush pink cotton gauze table runner 300 x 30 cm

€12.10 EUR
This table runner is 3 meters long and 30 cm wide . It is made of pink cotton gauze, of superior quality. It will be perfect to decorate your table...
Guirlande à fanions festonnés irisés et or 3 mètres,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

Iridescent and gold scalloped pennant garland 3 meters

€4.54 EUR
This cardboard pennant garland is 3 meters long and each pennant measures 15 cm. Each pennant is iridescent in color and has rounded gold edges. For a themed birthday, a...
8 boites à pop-corn rose pastel, blanc et or,Farfouil en fête,Contenants alimentaire

8 pastel pink, white and gold popcorn boxes

€4.54 EUR
This set contains 8 pink and white striped popcorn boxes with gold edges. They measure 7 x 7 x 12.5 cm. Perfect for decorating your table on the theme of...
16 serviettes cassettes de 19 x 29 cm - 90's Party,Farfouil en fête,Nappes, serviettes

16 cassette napkins of 19 x 29 cm - 90's Party

€4.54 EUR
This bag contains 20 paper towels. They measure 19 x 29 cm. They represent pastel cassettes , with iridescent edges . Perfect for a colorful 90s themed birthday table !
8 assiettes vinyles de 22 cm - 90's Party,Farfouil en fête,Assiettes, sets de table

8 vinyl plates of 22 cm - 90's Party

€5.05 EUR
This bag contains 8 paper plates. They measure 22 cm in diameter. They represent vinyl records , with iridescent borders . Perfect for a colorful 90s themed birthday table !...
Photobooth 8 pièces - 90's Party,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

8-piece photobooth - 90's Party

€4.54 EUR
This set of 8 props on sticks, with a 90s theme, will be perfect for having fun together, taking photos! Several combinations are possible: have fun making them all! Ideal...
16 serviettes en papier Pokemon™ 33 x 33 cm,Farfouil en fête,Nappes, serviettes

16 Pokemon™ paper napkins 33 x 33 cm

€3.93 EUR
This bag contains 16 paper napkins in Pokémon™ colors . They measure 33 x 33 cm. The 3 starters of the 1st generation are represented: Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Charmander, as...
Sachet de 6 ballons rouges et bleus Super Mario™,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Bag of 6 red and blue Super Mario™ balloons

€4.28 EUR
This bag contains 6 blue and red balloons . Black patterns representing Mario™ and Yoshi™ are printed all over the surface of the ball. Each measures approximately 23cm in diameter...
8 assiettes en carton Dragon Ball Super™ 23 cm,Farfouil en fête,Assiettes, sets de table

8 Dragon Ball Super™ paper plates 23 cm

€4.54 EUR
This bag contains 8 paper plates in the colors of Dragon Ball Super™ . They measure 23 cm in diameter. These printed plates, under official license, will perfectly decorate your...
Chemin de table en voile de coton vieux rose 300 x 30 cm,Farfouil en fête,Chemins et sets de table

Old pink cotton voile table runner 300 x 30 cm

€11.59 EUR
This table runner is 3 meters long and 30 cm wide . It is made of old rose cotton veil, of superior quality. It will be perfect to decorate your...
Piñata bleue ronde à tirer Dragon Ball Super™ 40 cm,Farfouil en fête,Piñata

Dragon Ball Super™ Round Blue Pull Piñata 40cm

€32.77 EUR
This round blue piñata represents the characters from Dragon Ball Super™ . It measures 40 cm in diameter. Sold empty , it can be filled with chocolates , candies or...
Find our collection of decorations on the 90s, we think of spices girls, boy bands, the first video games, arcade terminals, graffiti!