Decorations by color

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8 cartons d'invitation + enveloppes 15 x 10 cm Dragon Ball Super™,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom,Farfouil_en_fete

8 invitation cards + envelopes 15 x 10 cm Dragon Ball Super™

€2.72 EUR €1.96 EUR
These 8 invitation cards measure 15 x 10 cm. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the character Goku Super Saiyan Blue . A blue envelope is...
8 assiettes en carton de 18 cm Naruto™,Assiettes, sets de table,Farfouil_en_fete

8 18 cm Naruto™ paper plates

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
These 8 small paper plates measure 18 cm in diameter. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they are printed with the characters of Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke. Perfect for a...
Guirlande en carton "Joyeux anniversaire" 250 cm Naruto™,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières,Farfouil_en_fete

Cardboard garland "Happy Birthday" 250 cm Naruto™

€5.03 EUR €3.62 EUR
This garland measures 2.50 meters long. It is made up of 16 cm letters , forming the words Happy Birthday. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , it represents the characters Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi...
Bannière en tissu leprechaun Saint Patrick 74 x 220 cm,Drapeau,Farfouil_en_fete

Saint Patrick leprechaun fabric banner 74 x 220 cm

€9.84 EUR €7.08 EUR
This polyester fabric banner measures 220 x 74 cm. It has 4 eyelets that will allow you to hang it easily wherever you want. Perfect for creating a festive decoration worthy...
24 Confettis de table Naruto™,Confettis de table, pétales, graviers,Farfouil_en_fete

24 Naruto™ Table Confetti

€2.93 EUR €2.11 EUR
These 24 table confetti measure 3.5 cm on average. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they represent the characters of Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke, in full combat. Perfect for a...
8 cartons d'invitation 16 x 10 cm Naruto™,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom,Farfouil_en_fete

8 invitation cards 16 x 10 cm Naruto™

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
These 8 invitation cards measure 16 x 10 cm. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they represent the character Naruto, cut out from the card. Perfect for inviting friends for a...
20 serviettes noires en papier Super Mario™ 33 x 33 cm,Nappes, serviettes,Farfouil_en_fete

20 Super Mario™ black paper napkins 33 x 33 cm

€3.93 EUR €2.83 EUR
This bag contains 20 paper napkins in the colors of Super Mario™ . They measure 33 x 33 cm. The characters from the video game are printed on it, on...
Guirlande en carton "Joyeux anniversaire" 250 cm One Piece™,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières,Farfouil_en_fete

Cardboard garland "Happy Birthday" 250 cm One Piece™

€5.03 EUR €3.62 EUR
This garland measures 2.50 meters long. It is made up of 16 cm letters , forming the words Happy Birthday . Officially licensed One Piece™ , it is printed with the characters...
8 gobelets en carton 250 ml Dragon Ball Super™,Verres et gobelets,Farfouil_en_fete

8 paper cups 250 ml Dragon Ball Super™

€4.28 EUR €3.09 EUR
These 8 cardboard cups have a capacity of 250 ml. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the character Goku Super Saiyan Blue . Perfect for a...
Lanterne japonaise en papier Naruto™ 30 cm,Lampions, lanternes, boules alvéolés,Farfouil_en_fete

Naruto™ Japanese paper lantern 30 cm

€5.54 EUR €3.99 EUR
This lantern measures 30 cm in diameter . Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , it represents the characters Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke. Made of non-fireproof paper , it is only...
16 serviettes en papier Fortnite™ 33 x 33 cm,Nappes, serviettes,Farfouil_en_fete

16 Fortnite™ paper napkins 33 x 33 cm

€3.53 EUR €1.59 EUR
This bag contains 16 paper napkins in the colors of Fornite™ . They measure 33 x 33 cm. These printed napkins, under official license, will perfectly decorate your table on...
8 coiffes en carton Kakashi et Naruto™,Chapeaux,Farfouil_en_fete

8 Kakashi and Naruto™ cardboard headdresses

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
This bag contains 8 cardboard headdresses for children . Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they represent the characters Naruto and Kakashi. Perfect to offer at a party on the theme...
8 pailles en papier avec médaillons Dragon Ball Super™,Pailles, pics alimentaires, agitateurs,Farfouil_en_fete

8 paper straws with Dragon Ball Super™ medallions

€4.94 EUR €3.56 EUR
These 8 cardboard straws measure 19.6 cm. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are decorated with medallions printed with the characters of Goku and Vegeta Super Saiyan Blue ....
20 Gobelets Rouges américains réutilisables 53cl,Verres et gobelets,Farfouil_en_fete

20 Reusable American Red Cups 53cl

€6.96 EUR €5.01 EUR
This package contains 20 red American cups , with a capacity of 53 cl. They are ultra-resistant, reusable and dishwasher safe more than 20 times. The Red Cup has become...
20 serviettes en papier 33 x 33 cm Dragon Ball Super™,Nappes, serviettes,Farfouil_en_fete

20 paper napkins 33 x 33 cm Dragon Ball Super™

€4.94 EUR €3.56 EUR
These 20 3-ply paper napkins measure 33 x 33 cm. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the 7 crystal balls. Perfect for a pretty table on...
8 assiettes en carton de 18 cm One Piece™,Assiettes, sets de table,Farfouil_en_fete

8 One Piece™ 18 cm paper plates

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
These 8 small paper plates measure 18 cm in diameter. Officially licensed One Piece™ , they are printed with the characters Luffy, Nami, Zoro and all the other pirates !...
Drapeau leprechaun Saint Patrick 90 x 150 cm,Drapeau,Farfouil_en_fete

Saint Patrick leprechaun flag 90 x 150 cm

€6.40 EUR €4.61 EUR
This flag made of polyester fabric measures 150 x 90 cm. It has 4 eyelets that will allow you to hang it easily wherever you want. Perfect for creating a festive...
8 assiettes en carton de 23 cm Dragon Ball Super™,Assiettes, sets de table,Farfouil_en_fete

8 paper plates of 23 cm Dragon Ball Super™

€4.94 EUR €3.56 EUR
These 8 paper plates measure 23 cm in diameter. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the character Goku Super Saiyan Blue . Perfect for a pretty...
20 Gobelets Summer américains réutilisables 53cl,Verres et gobelets,Farfouil_en_fete

20 reusable American Summer cups 53cl

€6.96 EUR €5.01 EUR
This package contains 20 multi-colored American cups , with a capacity of 53 cl. They are ultra-resistant, reusable and dishwasher safe more than 20 times. The Red Cup has become...
Nappe en papier recyclable 136 x 228 cm Naruto™,Nappes, serviettes,Farfouil_en_fete

Recyclable paper tablecloth 136 x 228 cm Naruto™

€6.56 EUR €4.72 EUR
This recyclable paper tablecloth measures 228 cm x 136 cm. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , it is printed with the characters of Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke. Perfect for a...
12 lampions cylindriques rouges unis 16 cm,Lampions, lanternes, boules alvéolés,Farfouil_en_fete

12 plain red cylindrical paper lanterns 16 cm

€11.59 EUR €8.12 EUR
This set of 12 red cylindrical lanterns measure 16 cm in diameter . In fireproof paper , it can accommodate a candle, provided for this purpose. Remember to pair it...
8 coiffes en carton chapeau de Luffy One Piece™,Chapeaux,Farfouil_en_fete

8 One Piece™ Luffy hat cardboard headdresses

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
This bag contains 8 cardboard headdresses for children . Officially licensed One Piece™ , they represent Luffy's straw hat. Perfect to offer at a party on the theme of the...
Pancarte en bois "Vin d'honneur" 25 x 10 cm,A definir,Farfouil_en_fete

Wooden sign "Vin d'honneur" 25 x 10 cm

€3.12 EUR €1.40 EUR
This raw wood sign measures 25 x 10 cm and is 1 cm thick. The words " Vin d'honneur " are painted in white on one side. A natural cord...


€1.51 EUR €1.28 EUR
This red spiral weight weighs 30 grams . It measures approximately 11 cm in height. This weight makes it possible to maintain 1 Bubble balloon or 1 large aluminum balloon...
Sachet de 6 ballons en latex Kakashi et Naruto™ 27 cm,Ballons,Farfouil_en_fete

Bag of 6 Kakashi and Naruto™ latex balloons 27 cm

€4.54 EUR €3.27 EUR
This bag contains 6 white balloons measuring 27 cm in diameter. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they represent Naruto and Kakashi. Perfect for a pretty room on the theme of...
8 assiettes en carton de 23 cm Naruto™,Assiettes, sets de table,Farfouil_en_fete

8 23 cm Naruto™ paper plates

€4.94 EUR €3.56 EUR
These 8 paper plates measure 23 cm in diameter. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they are printed with the characters of Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke. Perfect for a pretty...
Os des cavernes 28 cm,A definir,Farfouil_en_fete

Cave bones 28 cm

€3.01 EUR €2.17 EUR
This plastic cave bone is 28 cm long. It is white/cream and worn. Perfect to complete your caveman costume or to put in your horror decor !
8 gobelets en carton 250 ml One Piece™,Verres et gobelets,Farfouil_en_fete

8 One Piece™ paper cups 250 ml

€4.28 EUR €3.09 EUR
These 8 cardboard cups have a capacity of 250 ml. Officially licensed One Piece™ , they are printed with the characters Luffy, Nami, Zoro and all the other pirates !...
8 petites assiettes écologiques carrées Fortnite™ 18 x 18 cm,Assiettes, sets de table,Farfouil_en_fete

8 small square Fortnite™ ecological plates 18 x 18 cm

€4.28 EUR €1.92 EUR
These 8 square plates are officially licensed Fortnite™. They measure 18 x 18 cm. They are black, printed with the Word Fortnite. Perfect for celebrating the birthday of any video...
Guirlande / bannière "Happy Birthday" Poudlard Harry Potter™ 182 cm,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières,Farfouil_en_fete

Hogwarts Harry Potter™ Happy Birthday Garland / Banner 182cm

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
This "Happy Birthday" cardboard garland bears the image of the Harry Potter™ saga . It measures 182 cm long and each letter is approximately 13 cm high. Each crest is...
8 pailles en papier avec médaillons Naruto™,Pailles, pics alimentaires, agitateurs,Farfouil_en_fete

8 paper straws with Naruto™ medallions

€4.94 EUR €3.56 EUR
These 8 cardboard straws measure 19.6 cm. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they are decorated with medallions printed with the characters of Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke. Perfect for a...
Botte de paille 13 cm x 7,5 cm x 7,5 cm,A definir,Farfouil_en_fete

Straw bale 13 cm x 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm

€4.54 EUR €2.95 EUR
Decorative Straw Bale Add a rustic touch to your decor with our premium straw bale. Perfect for weddings, open-air dance halls, or simply for a rustic tablescape, this straw bale...
8 marques-places en carton Naruto™,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom,Farfouil_en_fete

8 Naruto™ cardboard place cards

€2.93 EUR €1.91 EUR
These 8 cardboard place cards measure 6 x 8 cm each. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they are printed with the Naruto character. Perfect for a pretty table on the theme...
Piñata chat bonheur 35 cm,Piñata,Farfouil_en_fete

Happiness cat piñata 35 cm

€23.09 EUR €10.38 EUR
This piñata represents the head of a white cat filled with happiness . It measures 35.6 x 32.5 x 8 cm. Sold empty , it can be filled with chocolates...


€2.01 EUR €1.44 EUR
These balloons in the shape of numbers from 0 to 9 in silver aluminum are ideal for celebrating a birthday or celebrating a particular date. It measures approximately 36 cm...


N / A
Chemin de table élégance 30 cm x 3m Naruto™,Chemins et sets de table,Farfouil_en_fete

Elegance table runner 30 cm x 3m Naruto™

€8.57 EUR €6.17 EUR
This roll of table runner measures 300 x 30 cm. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , it is printed with the characters of Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke, in full battle....
12 lampions cylindriques orange unis 16 cm,Lampions, lanternes, boules alvéolés,Farfouil_en_fete

12 plain orange cylindrical paper lanterns 16 cm

€11.59 EUR €8.35 EUR
This set of 12 orange cylindrical lanterns measure 16 cm in diameter . In fireproof paper , it can accommodate a candle, provided for this purpose. Remember to pair it...
Ballon en aluminium adorable cochon 76 cm 30" Grabo Balloons®,Ballons,Farfouil_en_fete

Adorable pig foil balloon 76 cm 30" Grabo Balloons®

€7.96 EUR €5.74 EUR
Adorable pig foil balloon 76 cm 30" Grabo Balloons® Liven up your parties and events with this adorable pig head foil balloon . Designed by Grabo Balloons®, it features a...
8 cartons d'invitation + enveloppes 14,5 x 10 cm One Piece™,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom,Farfouil_en_fete

8 invitation cards + envelopes 14.5 x 10 cm One Piece™

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
These 8 invitation cards measure 14.5 x 10 cm. Officially licensed One Piece™ , they are printed with the character Luffy and treasure maps! A red envelope is provided for...
Sachet de 6 ballons en latex Luffy One Piece™ 27 cm,Ballons,Farfouil_en_fete

Bag of 6 Luffy One Piece™ latex balloons 27 cm

€4.54 EUR €3.27 EUR
This bag contains 6 red and blue balloons  27 cm in diameter. Officially licensed One Piece™ , they represent Luffy, the pirate. Perfect for a pretty room on the theme...
Filet de pêche décoratif 300 x 300 cm,A definir,Farfouil_en_fete

Decorative fishing net 300 x 300 cm

€12.00 EUR €8.64 EUR
This cotton fishing net measures 300 x 300 cm. Perfect for your marine decoration ! Decorations not included.
PORTE BOUGIE BOIS FLOTTE DIAMETRE 9 CM HAUTEUR 16 CM,Lampions, lanternes, boules alvéolés,Farfouil_en_fete


€9.98 EUR €7.19 EUR
Stunning natural wood decoration measuring 16 cm in height and 9 in diameter. It can be used for several atmospheres: Christmas, nature, sea, sailor, Hawaii... The metal candle holder is...
8 coiffes en carton Dragon Ball Super™,Chapeaux,Farfouil_en_fete

8 Dragon Ball Super™ cardboard headdresses

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
This bag contains 8 cardboard headdresses for children . Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they represent the hairstyles of Goku and Vegeta , in the black and Super Saiyan...
5 Suspensions en carton et spirales 60 cm One Piece™,Pompons, suspensions,Farfouil_en_fete

5 One Piece™ cardboard and spiral suspensions 60 cm

€4.54 EUR €3.27 EUR
These  5 pendants measure 60 long. It consists of medallions measuring 17 cm in diameter . Officially licensed One Piece™ , they represent the characters of Luffy, Nami, Zoro and...
Nappe en papier recyclable 136 x 228 cm Dragon Ball Super™,Nappes, serviettes,Farfouil_en_fete

Dragon Ball Super™ Recyclable Paper Tablecloth 136 x 228 cm

€6.56 EUR €4.72 EUR
This recyclable paper tablecloth measures 228 cm x 136 cm. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , it is printed with the character Goku Super Saiyan Blue . Perfect for a...
5 Suspensions en carton et spirales 60 cm Naruto™,Pompons, suspensions,Farfouil_en_fete

5 Cardboard and spiral suspensions 60 cm Naruto™

€4.54 EUR €3.27 EUR
These 5 suspensions measure 60 long. It consists of medallions measuring 17 cm in diameter . Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they represent the characters of Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and...
Rouleau de tulle Glitter 8 cm x 20m - Or,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Roll of Glitter tulle 8 cm x 20m - Gold

€3.01 EUR €2.17 EUR
This roll of golden tulle measures 8 cm wide and 20 meters long. Original, it is covered in glitter ! Essential for decorating your car for a wedding , or...
12 lampions cylindriques roses unis 16 cm,Lampions, lanternes, boules alvéolés,Farfouil_en_fete

12 plain pink cylindrical paper lanterns 16 cm

€11.59 EUR €8.35 EUR
This set of 12 pink cylindrical lanterns measure 16 cm in diameter . In fireproof paper , it can accommodate a candle, provided for this purpose. Remember to pair it...
Bonbonne hélium 30 ballons 0,25 m3,Ballons,Farfouil_en_fete

Helium tank 30 balloons 0.25 m3

€40.23 EUR €28.97 EUR
This 0.25 m3 helium tank will allow you to inflate 30 balloons of 23 cm . Depending on the type of balloon, the float can last from a few hours...
Sachet de 6 ballons en latex Dragon Ball Super™ 27 cm,Ballons,Farfouil_en_fete

Bag of 6 Dragon Ball Super™ latex balloons 27 cm

€4.54 EUR €3.27 EUR
This bag contains 6 yellow and blue balloons  27 cm in diameter. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , it represents Goku Super Saiyan Blue . Perfect for a pretty room...

Bring Your Events to Life with our Collection of Colored Decorations

The Flight of the Blues

Who says blue, says tranquility and serenity! Our range of blue decoration will transform your event into a true ocean getaway. To go further, combine blue with silver and create an exceptional blue and silver birthday decoration .

Pink, the Color of Glamor

Bring a touch of softness and femininity with our pink decoration line. And for fans of luxury, discover our options for rose gold table decor and pink and gold table decor .

Elegance of Black and Gold

Nothing says chic like a combination of black and gold. Our black and gold table decoration collection will bring timeless elegance to your festivities. To vary the pleasures, try our black and silver table decor and make the evening sparkle.

The Colors of the Rainbow

Do you like colors? You will love our pastel rainbow birthday decoration collection. Because each color brings its own energy, why settle for just one?