fairground toys

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Souffleur de bulles Bazooka 132 buses,Sons et lumières,Farfouil_en_fete

Bazooka Bubble Blower 132 Nozzles

€20.06 EUR €14.05 EUR
Bazooka Bubble Blower 132 Nozzles The Bazooka 132 nozzle bubble blower is ideal for creating a magical atmosphere at your parties and events. Features of the bubble blower 132 nozzles...
Figurine animal de la ferme 5/7 cm,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Farm animal figurine 5/7 cm

€1.00 EUR €0.73 EUR
This small farm animal measures approximately 5/7 cm. Perfect to offer, to use for fair lots , duck fishing , to slip into a piñata or in surprise bags ,......
Figurine dinosaure phosphorescent,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Phosphorescent dinosaur figurine

€0.51 EUR €0.36 EUR
This little dinosaur is phosphorescent and glows in the dark ! Perfect to offer to a dinosaur lover, to use for fair lots , duck fishing , to slip into...
Mini voiture de sport retrofiction 8 cm,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Mini sports car retrofiction 8 cm

€0.51 EUR €0.42 EUR
Mini arc + 2 flèches,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Mini bow + 2 arrows

€0.51 EUR €0.42 EUR
Mini toupie laser,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Mini laser spinning top

€0.51 EUR €0.42 EUR
Mini cible en carton + flèche,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Mini cardboard target + arrow

€0.51 EUR €0.42 EUR
Mini voiture de sport + clef lanceur,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Mini sports car + launcher key

€0.51 EUR €0.42 EUR
Handspinner noir,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Handspinner black

€2.61 EUR €2.21 EUR
8 crayons à papier Harry Potter™,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

8 Harry Potter™ pencils

€4.28 EUR €3.64 EUR
This set of 8 pencils is in the colors of the Harry Potter™ saga . 2 different models are present in this bag. Each of the pencils has an eraser...
4 bracelets strech Harry Potter™,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

4 Harry Potter™ stretch bracelets

€5.54 EUR €3.99 EUR
These silicone wristbands are sold in sets of 4. There's one for each Hogwarts house: red for Gryffindor, green for Slytherin, blue for Ravenclaw, and yellow for Hufflepuff. Perfect to...
Sachet de 40 mini-jouets mixtes pour piñata,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Bag of 40 mixed mini piñata toys

€8.57 EUR €6.00 EUR
This bag contains 40 small toys to slip into a piñata , in addition to the usual candies and other treats. The toys are unisex and will suit both boys...
PLANEUR AVION POLYSTYRENE 20CM ASSORTI,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete


€0.91 EUR €0.64 EUR
This polystyrene plane glider is to assemble yourself, it is delivered with a propeller. Assorted models.
Bracelet Zip bleu fluo,Bijoux,Farfouil_en_fete

Fluorescent blue zip bracelet

€1.51 EUR €1.09 EUR
This Zip plastic bracelet, zipper style, attaches with a clip. It is neon blue. Perfect to complete your neon or 80s disguise!
SAC 100 JOUETS MOYEN MODELE,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete


€59.50 EUR €50.57 EUR
Bag of 100 Medium Model Toys
KIT 150 CADEAUX HALLOWEEN,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete


€50.31 EUR €25.16 EUR
Kit of 150 Halloween themed gifts! Ideal for distributing small toys for free.
Kit de 24 cadeaux Pat'Patrouille™,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Kit of 24 Paw Patrol™ gifts

€7.31 EUR €5.12 EUR
This gift kit contains 6 whistles, 6 spinning tops, 6 keyrings, 6 mini-yoyos , under the official Pat'Patrouille™ license. These toys can be offered to all the guests of your...


€17.04 EUR €8.52 EUR
This box contains 6 Lefranc & Bourgeois® brand Magic Brush pen brushes . Each pen contains 15ml of washable, non-toxic liquid paint in black, purple, green, blue, yellow and red...
Bonhomme gluant cascadeur / acrobat,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Stunt/acrobat sticky man

€1.00 EUR €0.73 EUR
A great classic! This gooey stunt man measures about 10 cm. He sucks himself to a window and goes down on his own! Perfect to offer, to use for fair...
PISTOLET A EAU 14CM COLT,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete


€1.51 EUR €1.09 EUR
Boite à meuh / boite vache,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Moo box / cow box

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
The moo box , also called cow box, is an object which, when turned over (directing the holes present on its upper face downwards) then put back in the right...
Figurine animal de la ferme 5 cm,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Farm animal figurine 5 cm

€1.00 EUR
This small colorful farm animal measures approximately 5 cm. Perfect to offer, to use for fair lots , duck fishing , to slip into a piñata or in surprise bags...
Figurine animal du zoo 5 cm,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Zoo animal figurine 5 cm

€1.00 EUR
This small zoo animal measures about 5 cm. Perfect to offer, to use for fair lots , duck fishing , to slip into a piñata or in surprise bags ,......
Album à colorier magique,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Magic coloring book

€0.51 EUR
This coloring book is magical: you will have to scratch it to make the patterns and colors appear! Contains 8 pictures to scratch off, 8 to color. Perfect to use...
Licorne flottante avec leste 12 cm - couleurs aléatoires,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Floating unicorn with ballast 12 cm - random colors

€2.52 EUR
What could be better than a game of duck fishing for small children? Use these unicorns to create a fun activity for kids! They are available in 3 random colors:...
Bracelet Zip Jaune fluo,Bijoux,Farfouil_en_fete

Fluorescent Yellow Zip Bracelet

€2.02 EUR
This Zip plastic bracelet, zipper style, attaches with a clip. It is neon yellow. Perfect to complete your neon or 80s disguise!
Bracelet Zip orange fluo,Bijoux,Farfouil_en_fete

Fluorescent orange zip bracelet

€1.51 EUR
This Zip plastic bracelet, zipper style, attaches with a clip. It is neon orange. Perfect to complete your neon or 80s disguise!
88 yeux mobiles adhésifs,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

88 adhesive moving eyes

€4.54 EUR
This board contains 88 adhesive wiggle eyes of different sizes. They will be perfect for entertaining your child, during their craft activities or as a Halloween decoration !
Bracelet Zip vert fluo,Bijoux,Farfouil_en_fete

Neon green zip bracelet

€1.51 EUR
This Zip plastic bracelet, zipper style, attaches with a clip. It is neon green. Perfect to complete your neon or 80s disguise!
Bracelet Zip Rose fluo,Bijoux,Farfouil_en_fete

Neon Pink Zip Bracelet

€1.51 EUR
This Zip plastic bracelet, zipper style, attaches with a clip. It's neon pink. Perfect to complete your neon or 80s disguise!
Collier pendentif strass - modèle aléatoire,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Rhinestone pendant necklace - random model

€1.00 EUR
This necklace with rhinestone pendant exists in several (random) models! Perfect to give to a little girl, to use for fair lots , duck fishing , to slip into a...
Lot de 70 jouets de kermesse,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Lot of 70 fairground toys

€22.18 EUR
This bag contains 70 small mixed toys in individual bags. Perfect for making batches of fairs , duck fishing , to slip into a piñata or in surprise bags ,...
Bague en plastique enfant avec pierre précieuse,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Children's plastic ring with gemstone

€1.00 EUR
This cute plastic children's ring is decorated with a faux gemstone. Perfect to offer, to use for fair lots , duck fishing , to slip into a piñata or in...
Balle rebondissante comète 2,5 cm - Coloris aléatoire,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Comet Bouncy Ball 2.5cm - Random Color

€1.00 EUR
A great classic! This bouncing comet ball measures 2.5cm in diameter. Perfect to use for fair lots , duck fishing , to slip into a piñata or in surprise bags...
PLANEUR PAPILLON 18CM,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete


€0.91 EUR €0.65 EUR
This cardboard glider is to assemble yourself. The glider can then be carried away. No choice of color.
Pistolet à bulles Dino à LED avec flacon,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

LED Dino Bubble Gun with Flask

€6.56 EUR
This luminous bubble gun is made of plastic, in the shape of a dinosaur (random model). All you have to do is fill it up using the soap bubble liquid...
Robot lance bille 5,5 cm - Coloris aléatoire,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Ball throwing robot 5.5 cm - Random color

€1.00 EUR
This little ball throwing robot measures 5.5 cm. Slide your ball in and throw it! Perfect to use for fair lots , duck fishing , to slip into a piñata...
Flacon de bulle de savon 60 ml - Coloris aléatoire,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Soap bubble bottle 60 ml - Random color

€1.00 EUR
This bottle contains 60 ml of soap bubble liquid. This timeless will allow your children to have fun blowing pretty bubbles on sunny days! Sold individually . No choice of...


€4.28 EUR
This luminous bubble gun is made of translucent plastic. All you have to do is fill it with the soap bubble liquid (50ml, supplied in a bottle) and have fun!...
Balle rebondissante 3 cm - Coloris aléatoire,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Bouncing ball 3 cm - Random color

€1.00 EUR
A great classic! This bouncing ball measures 3 cm in diameter. Perfect to use for fair lots , duck fishing , to slip into a piñata or in surprise bags...
Figurine animal dinosaure 5 cm,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Dinosaur animal figurine 5 cm

€1.00 EUR
This little dinosaur measures about 5 cm. Perfect to offer to a dinosaur lover, to use for fair lots , duck fishing , to slip into a piñata or in...
Hélico prop top,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Helicopter prop top

€1.00 EUR
This bag contains a 17 cm stick and a propeller : you just have to put the propeller on the stick, rub the stick with your hands and the propeller...
CANNE A PECHE AVEC CROCHET PLASTIQUE 59CM,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete


€2.52 EUR
Fishing Rod With Plastic Hook 59Cm
Bidon de liquide à bulles de savon - 900 ml,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Soap bubble liquid canister - 900 ml

€8.35 EUR
This container contains 900 ml of soapy liquid for bubble machine or gun ! Supplied with a stick , you can use it alone or as a refill for smaller...
Flacon de bulle de savon 250 ml - 4 Coloris aléatoire,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Soap bubble bottle 250 ml - 4 Random colors

€3.53 EUR
This large translucent bottle contains 250 ml of soap bubble liquid. This timeless will allow your children to have fun blowing pretty bubbles on sunny days! Sold individually . No...
Diabolo - Coloris aléatoire,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Diabolo - Random color

€5.05 EUR
This diabolo is 40 cm long and 9 cm in diameter. A great classic for playgrounds or for fun fun! No choice of color / random shipment depending on availability....
Castagnette tac tac 8,5 cm - Coloris aléatoire,Jouets de kermesse,Farfouil_en_fete

Tac tac castanet 8.5 cm - Random color

€1.00 EUR
A great classic! This tac tac castanet measures 8.5 cm in diameter. Shake it to make noise! Perfect to use for fair lots , duck fishing , to slip into...
Bracelet Licorne en silicone,Bijoux,Farfouil_en_fete

Silicone Unicorn Bracelet

€1.51 EUR
This colorful silicone bracelet is decorated with a unicorn-shaped tassel! Perfect to give to a little girl, to use for fair lots , duck fishing , to slip into a...

Fair toys to brighten up every event!

A wide choice of inexpensive toys for all occasions

Are you looking for inexpensive toys to brighten up a fair or a birthday party? You are in the right place! Farfouil en fête offers you a varied range of fair toys suitable for all ages. Whether for boys or girls, our little toys are carefully selected to guarantee fun and safety. Easily find the ideal cheap boy or girl toy to spoil each child during your events.

Online toys just a click away

Browsing our platform means discovering a world of cheap toys online , ideal for every occasion. Whether you're looking for a small birthday toy or a fairground toy set for a big celebration, we have everything you need. Each fair gift is designed to offer a moment of joy and entertainment, all at unbeatable prices. With Farfouil en fête, enjoy an inexpensive fair item without compromising quality.

Driven by a passion for entertainment

Our collections reflect our passion for entertainment. We understand the importance of each event and the need to offer small, inexpensive toys for birthdays or other celebrations. That's why we strive to bring you toys that bring a smile to every child's face. Whether it's fairs, birthdays or any other festive event, we are here to make every moment memorable.