Place cards, glass markers, labels, name tags

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8 cartons d'invitation + enveloppes 14,5 x 10 cm One Piece™,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 invitation cards + envelopes 14.5 x 10 cm One Piece™

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
These 8 invitation cards measure 14.5 x 10 cm. Officially licensed One Piece™ , they are printed with the character Luffy and treasure maps! A red envelope is provided for...
9 marques-places en carton One Piece™,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

9 One Piece™ cardboard place cards

€2.93 EUR €2.11 EUR
These 9 cardboard place cards measure 6 x 8 cm each. Officially licensed One Piece™ , they are printed with the characters Luffy, Nami, Zoro and all the others! Perfect...
8 cartons d'invitation 16 x 10 cm Naruto™,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 invitation cards 16 x 10 cm Naruto™

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
These 8 invitation cards measure 16 x 10 cm. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they represent the character Naruto, cut out from the card. Perfect for inviting friends for a...
9 rondins en bois Porte-Noms 4,50 cm,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

9 wooden logs Name tags 4.50 cm

€11.29 EUR €8.13 EUR
This set of 9 raw wood name tag logs measures 4.50 cm in diameter and is 2.60 cm thick. A slot is provided to slip a name, a table number...
8 marques-places en carton Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 Dragon Ball Super™ cardboard place cards

€2.93 EUR €2.11 EUR
These 8 cardboard place cards measure 6 x 8 cm each. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the character Goku Super Saiyan Blue . Perfect for...
8 cartons d'invitation 16 x 10 cm Naruto™ (anglais / english),Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 invitation cards 16 x 10 cm Naruto™ (english)

€3.53 EUR €2.29 EUR
These 8 invitation cards measure 16 x 10 cm. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they represent the character Naruto, cut out from the card. All invitation inscriptions are in English....
6 Marques verres multicolores - Modèles au choix,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

6 Multicolored glass brands - Models to choose from

€1.51 EUR €0.76 EUR
This set of 6 multicolored glass markers is available on several themes to choose from: mouths, mustaches, dresses, tuxedos, shoes, bow ties! Super fun for your guests, to hand out...


Bow tie
8 cartons d'invitation + enveloppes 14,5 x 10 cm One Piece™ (anglais / english),Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 invitation cards + envelopes 14.5 x 10 cm One Piece™ (english)

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
These 8 invitation cards measure 14.5 x 10 cm. Officially licensed One Piece™ , they are printed with the character Luffy and treasure maps! All invitation inscriptions are in English....
12 étiquettes cadeaux en forme de sapin,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

12 tree-shaped gift tags

€3.01 EUR €2.11 EUR
These 12 tree-shaped gift tags are made of cardboard; twine is hung on each piece. You will be able to enter the recipient of the gift, as well as the...
Chevalet avec ardoise 14 x 10 cm,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

Easel with slate 14 x 10 cm

€3.93 EUR €2.76 EUR
This slate measures 14 x 10 cm. It will land on a beautiful wooden easel . It will allow you to write down, in chalk, the menu of your party,...
Sachet de 120 lettres et chiffres adhésifs en bois 3 x 2 cm,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

Bag of 120 wooden adhesive letters and numbers 3 x 2 cm

€5.95 EUR €4.16 EUR
This bag contains 120 natural wood adhesive letters and numbers . Each measures 3 x 2 cm. Perfect for personalizing your decoration, for all festive occasions!
6 marques places pailletés - Coloris au choix,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

6 glittery place markers - Colors of your choice

€2.52 EUR €1.26 EUR
This pack includes 6 glitter place cards to reserve places, they are available in several colors: red, silver, black, blue, fuchsia, gold. Ideal for elegantly indicating their seats to your...


6 portes photos Bottes de Cow-Boy,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

6 Cowboy Boots photo holders

€35.19 EUR €17.59 EUR
Set of 6 resin photo holders , in the shape of Cowboy boots. Can also hold your menus for example.
6 Étiquettes d'horreur pour bouteilles de vin,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

6 Horror labels for wine bottles

€1.37 EUR €0.96 EUR
Human blood? Really ?! This kit contains 6 "label" stickers, with an aged look . They will allow you to personalize bottles and flasks , with questionable contents! Perfect for decorating and...
15 pancartes "Numéro de table",Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

15 "Table number" signs

€2.52 EUR €1.82 EUR
This bag contains 15 numbered table signs . Each measures 16 x 12 cm. The signs will indicate their places to the guests, so that your party is as organized...
8 marques-places en carton Naruto™,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 Naruto™ cardboard place cards

€2.93 EUR €1.91 EUR
These 8 cardboard place cards measure 6 x 8 cm each. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they are printed with the Naruto character. Perfect for a pretty table on the theme...
30 étiquettes de Noël pour paquets cadeaux - Modèles aléatoires,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

30 Christmas labels for gift packages - Random models

€1.00 EUR €0.70 EUR
These 30 gift tags are adhesive and will enhance your gift packages ! Depending on availability, the labels will have either glitter or metallic details. Perfect for adding every name...
8 cartons d'invitation + enveloppes 15 x 10 cm Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 invitation cards + envelopes 15 x 10 cm Dragon Ball Super™

€2.72 EUR €1.96 EUR
These 8 invitation cards measure 15 x 10 cm. Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the character Goku Super Saiyan Blue . A blue envelope is...
12 étiquettes cadeaux adhésives - Houx de Noël,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

12 adhesive gift tags - Christmas holly

€2.52 EUR
These 10 gift tags are adhesive. Y ou can write the first name of the recipient of the gift, as well as the name of the person who offers it....
8 cartons d'invitation Woodland,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 Woodland invitations

€3.03 EUR
This bag consists of 8 invitation cards in the shape of a squirrel . They measure 14 x 13 cm. The front is printed with a colored pattern, with gold edging....
8 cartes / cartons d'invitation - Teckel,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 cards / invitations - Dachshund

€3.03 EUR
This bag consists of 8 cards / invitations in the shape of a dachshund . They measure 10 x 17 cm. The front is printed with a colored pattern, with gold...
8 ronds de serviettes - Houx de Noël,Farfouil en fête,Nappes, serviettes

8 napkin rings - Christmas holly

€3.03 EUR
This set contains 8 red cardboard napkin rings , decorated with holly and gold borders . They measure 5 x 20 cm. Perfect for decorating your table during Christmas and...
8 cartons d'invitation + 8 sachets Baby Swan,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 invitation cards + 8 Baby Swan sachets

€2.02 EUR
This bag consists of 8 invitation cards and their 8 bags with stickers . They measure 12 x 12 cm. The front is printed with a swan motif, with a golden...
8 cartons d'invitation + 8 sachets Under the sea,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 invitation cards + 8 Under the sea bags

€2.02 EUR
This bag consists of 8 invitation cards and their 8 bags with stickers . They measure 12 x 12 cm. The front is printed with a mermaid , with gold edging....
6 cartons d'invitation Football,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

6 football invitations

€1.51 EUR
This bag consists of 6 invitation cards on the theme of football . The back will allow you to enter all the information concerning the party (place, time, date...). Perfect for...
8 marques-places chiens - Teckel,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 dog place cards - Dachshund

€3.03 EUR
This set contains 8 cardboard place cards , in the shape of dachshunds , with a golden outline. They measure 8.3 x 9.5 cm. Perfect for seating guests at your...
Rond de serviette en métal - Bonnet de Noël,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

Metal napkin ring - Christmas hat

€5.05 EUR
This gold metal napkin ring represents a Christmas hat. It measures approximately 3.5 cm in diameter. Perfect for decorating your table during Christmas and end-of-year celebrations !
8 cartons d'invitation Amour de cheval,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 horse love invitations

€3.53 EUR
This bag consists of 8 invitation cards in the shape of a horse . They measure 13 x 11 cm. The front is printed with a colored pattern, with gold edging....
Rond de serviette en métal - Toile d'araignée,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

Metal napkin ring - Spider web

€4.54 EUR €3.93 EUR
This black metal napkin ring represents a spider web. It measures approximately 3cm in diameter. Perfect for decorating your table for a chic Halloween evening!
8 cartons d'invitation + 8 sachets Vintage Circus,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 invitation cards + 8 Vintage Circus bags

€2.02 EUR
This bag consists of 8 invitation cards and their 8 bags with stickers . They measure 12 x 12 cm. The front is printed with a monkey motif, on a gray...
10 étiquettes cadeaux champignons - Woodland,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

10 mushroom gift tags - Woodland

€3.03 EUR
These 10 gift tags are made of cardboard, jute string is hung on each piece. They represent mushrooms, with a golden outline. On the back, you can enter the recipient...
8 cartons d'invitation + 8 sachets Baby Lama,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 invitation cards + 8 Baby Lama sachets

€2.02 EUR
This bag consists of 8 invitation cards and their 8 bags with stickers . They measure 12 x 12 cm. The front is printed with a llama pattern, on a blue...
8 marques-places blanc et or,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 white and gold place cards

€3.53 EUR
This set contains 8 white cardboard place cards, with golden borders . They measure 8 x 9 cm. Perfect for placing guests at a wedding or a birthday !
8 cartons d'invitation totem - Aventurier,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 totem invitation cards - Adventurer

€3.03 EUR
This bag consists of 8 invitation cards in the shape of a totem . They measure 12 x 16 cm. The front is printed with a colored pattern, with gold edging....
Rond de serviette en métal - Voiture de Noël,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

Metal napkin ring - Christmas car

€5.05 EUR
This gold metal napkin ring represents a Christmas automobile , with a rhinestone tree on the roof. It measures approximately 3.5 cm in diameter. Perfect for decorating your table during...
8 marques-places fleuris Shabby,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 Shabby floral place cards

€3.03 EUR
This set contains 8 green and pink floral place cards with gold borders. They measure 8 x 9 cm. Perfect for placing guests at a wedding or a birthday !
8 cartons d'invitation Dino,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 Dino invitation cards

€3.03 EUR
This bag consists of 8 invitation cards in the shape of a dinosaur . They measure 15 x 18 cm. The front is printed with a colored pattern, with gold edging....
10 étiquettes cadeaux - Eucalyptus,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

10 gift tags - Eucalyptus

€3.03 EUR
These 10 gift tags are made of cardboard, jute string is hung on each piece. They are white with a golden outline, printed with eucalyptus branches . On the back,...
12 étiquettes cadeaux adhésives - Casse-Noisette,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

12 adhesive gift tags - Nutcracker

€2.52 EUR
These 10 gift tags are adhesive. Y ou can write the first name of the recipient of the gift, as well as the name of the person who offers it....
12 étiquettes cadeaux adhésives - Tartan,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

12 adhesive gift tags - Tartan

€3.03 EUR €2.93 EUR
These 10 gift tags are adhesive. Y ou can write the first name of the recipient of the gift, as well as the name of the person who offers it....
8 marques-places Terracotta,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 Terracotta place cards

€3.03 EUR
This set contains 8 terracotta place cards, printed with golden leaves . They measure 8 x 9 cm. Perfect for placing guests at a wedding or a birthday !
8 marques-places Kraft et or,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 Kraft and gold place cards

€3.03 EUR
This set contains 8 place cards in kraft cardboard , with golden borders . They measure 8 x 9 cm. Perfect for placing guests at a wedding or a birthday...
8 marques-places - Houx de Noël,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 place cards - Christmas holly

€3.03 EUR
This set contains 8 cardboard place cards , decorated with holly and gold borders . They measure 8 x 9.5 cm. Perfect for seating guests at Christmas and New Year...
8 cartons d'invitation Baby Licorne,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 Baby Unicorn invitation cards

€3.03 EUR
This bag consists of 8 unicorn-shaped invitation cards . They measure 17 x 13 cm. The front is printed with a colored pattern, with gold edging. The back is designed to...
8 cartons d'invitation Football,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

8 football invitations

€3.03 EUR
This bag consists of 8 invitation cards in the shape of a soccer ball . They measure 12.5 cm. The front is printed with a colored pattern, with gold edging. The...
10 étiquettes cadeaux chiens - Teckel,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

10 dog gift tags - Dachshund

€3.03 EUR
These 10 gift tags are made of cardboard, jute string is hung on each piece. They measure 8.5 x 4.8 cm. They represent dachshunds , with a golden outline. On...
12 étiquettes cadeaux adhésives - Shabby,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

12 adhesive gift tags - Shabby

€2.52 EUR
These 10 gift tags are adhesive. Y ou can write the first name of the recipient of the gift, as well as the name of the person who offers it....
12 étiquettes cadeaux adhésives - Sweety Xmas,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

12 adhesive gift tags - Sweety Xmas

€2.52 EUR
These 10 gift tags are adhesive. Y ou can write the first name of the recipient of the gift, as well as the name of the person who offers it....
10 étiquettes cadeaux - Pull de Noël,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

10 gift tags - Christmas sweater

€2.02 EUR
These 10 gift tags are made of cardboard, red and white string is hung on each piece. They represent blue and white Christmas sweaters . On the back, you can...
Set d'étiquettes pour bouteilles "Bar des sorciers" Apprenti Sorcier,Farfouil en fête,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom

Sorcerer's Apprentice "Wizard's Bar" Bottle Label Set

€4.54 EUR
This kit contains 14 self-adhesive labels to personalize your witchcraft -themed drinks . Everything seems to have been printed on a parchment! The stickers will allow you to personalize bottles...
Discover our collection of seat markers, glass markers, labels, name tags for your table decoration, these elements to which little attention is paid will become essential decorations in the future so that your guests can find and not mix the glasses or the plates.