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Masque en plastique Luigi Mario Bros™ adulte,Farfouil en fête,Masques

Adult Luigi Mario Bros™ plastic mask

€8.57 EUR €3.86 EUR
This plastic mask , of the famous Luigi, brother of Mario™ , is for adults. An elastic band allows it to stay in place. This mask, officially licensed Super Mario™...
Perruque enfant Ladybug Miraculous™,Farfouil en fête,Perruque

Ladybug Miraculous™ Child Wig

€18.05 EUR €11.72 EUR
This wig , officially licensed Miraculous™ , is dark blue in color. It is available in one child size . The hair is mid-length, styled with two pigtails. It represents...
Bombe de laque pour cheveux 125 ml Violet,Farfouil en fête,Coloration des cheveux

Spray hairspray 125 ml Violet

€2.52 EUR €1.82 EUR
This hairspray bomb is purple in color. It contains 125 ml of temporary coloring. Easily removed with shampoo. Tip: Consider spraying hair 'upside down' for more even coverage. Change your...
Demi-masque enfant en plastique Thanos Avengers™,Farfouil en fête,Masques

Avengers™ Thanos Plastic Child Half Mask

€9.06 EUR €5.89 EUR
This mask, under official Marvel ™ license , is available in one child size. In thick plastic, it represents the face of the character of Thanos , the big villain...
Bombe de laque à paillettes pour cheveux 125 ml Or,Farfouil en fête,Coloration des cheveux

Glitter Hairspray Spray 125ml Gold

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
This hairspray bomb is gold glitter. It contains 125 ml of lacquer. Easily removed with shampoo. Tip: Consider spraying hair 'upside down' for more even coverage. Change your hair color...
Chapeau fedora pailleté fluo - 4 coloris au choix,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Neon sequined fedora hat - 4 colors to choose from

€5.75 EUR €4.14 EUR
This fedora hat is covered with neon pink, orange, green or yellow sequins. Available in one adult size. A satin ribbon is present around the hat. Indispensable for your fluorescent...


Masque intégral zombie sanglant Halloween Ghoulish®,Farfouil en fête,Masques

Halloween Ghoulish® Bloody Zombie Full Face Mask

€58.38 EUR €37.95 EUR
This bloody zombie full face mask is made of high quality latex . The skin is yellow, as if decomposing. Veins run through the entire face. Some hair is present...
Guirlande à fanions Dragon Ball Super™ 360 cm,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

Dragon Ball Super™ pennant garland 360 cm

€5.95 EUR €4.28 EUR
This flag garland , in the colors of Dragon Ball Super ™, is 3.60 m long. It has 3 different pavilion models. Perfect for decorating a party room , your...
Perruque adulte Naruto Shippuden™ licence officielle,Default Title,Farfouil en fête,Perruque

Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ adult wig

€36.20 EUR €26.06 EUR
This wig , officially licensed Naruto™ , is yellow in color. It is available in one adult size. Tousled, this one represents the hairstyle of the Naruto Uzumaki ™ character....
Guirlandes à fanions La Reine des neiges et Olaf™ 2.30 mètres,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

Frozen and Olaf™ bunting 2.30 meters

€3.53 EUR €1.59 EUR
This pennant garland , in the colors of Frozen ™, is 2.30 meters long. It has 2 different pavilion models , representing Elsa and Anna together, then Olaf on the...
Déguisement adulte fée verte avec ailes femme,Farfouil en fête,Déguisements

Déguisement adulte fée verte avec ailes femme

€27.13 EUR From €17.63 EUR
Déguisement Adulte Fée Verte avec Ailes - Éclat et Mystère pour une Fête Inoubliable ! Taille au choix : M/L ou XXL, un ajustement parfait pour toutes les fées. Originalité...


Déguisement enfant Lion Toon peluche,116 cm,Farfouil en fête,Déguisements

Plush Toon Lion Child Costume

€37.21 EUR From €26.79 EUR
This Toon lion costume for children consists of a hooded jumpsuit . It is available in sizes 96 cm, 104 cm, 116 cm, 128 cm and 140 cm. The jumpsuit...


Déguisement femme Sandy style Grease années 50,S,Farfouil en fête,Déguisements

Women's Sandy Grease 50s costume

€19.06 EUR From €8.57 EUR
This Sandy costume derived from the movie Grease includes top, pants and belt. Available in size S, M or L. The pretty black top is uncovered at the shoulders, the...


Déguisement adulte Bonhomme de Neige,Farfouil en fête,Déguisements

Adult Snowman Costume

€46.28 EUR From €30.09 EUR
This snowman costume for adults consists of a jumpsuit , a balaclava , a scarf and gloves . It comes in sizes S, M, L and XL. The jumpsuit is...


Serre-tête black chat irisé,Farfouil en fête,Chapeaux

Black iridescent cat headband

€2.52 EUR €1.82 EUR
This headband represents two small cat ears iridescent black . They are decorated with black marabou. Perfect for Carnival or for Halloween , it will perfectly accessorize your cat costume !
Perruque Indienne Squaw avec bandeau et plumes femme,Farfouil en fête,Perruque

Squaw Indian wig with headband and feathers for women

€12.00 EUR €8.64 EUR
This Indian squaw wig for women will be perfect to finalize your disguise. She comes with a feathered headband . This black hairstyle has two long pigtails with several colored...
Demi-masque en plastique Black Panther™,Farfouil en fête,Masques

Black Panther™ Plastic Half Mask

€9.98 EUR €6.50 EUR
This rigid plastic half mask represents the super hero Black Panther ™. It comes with an elastic band to hold it securely to the face. It will suit all children...
Perruque enfant Sangoku Super Saiyan blue Dragon Ball Super™ licence officielle,Default Title,Farfouil en fête,Perruque

Children's wig Son Goku Super Saiyan blue Dragon Ball Super™ official license

€32.77 EUR €23.60 EUR
This wig , officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , is blue in color. It is available in one child size. This represents the hairstyle of the character Goku Super Saiyan™....
Déguisement homme Garde Squid Game,S,Farfouil en fête,Déguisements

Men's Squid Game Guard Costume

€26.11 EUR From €11.75 EUR
This TV series guard costume for adults consists of a jumpsuit and 3 patches . It is available in size S, M, L and XL. The jumpsuit is red and...


Perruque adulte faux crâne nu chauve,Farfouil en fête,Perruque

Bald Nude Skull Fake Adult Wig

€4.94 EUR €3.56 EUR
This fake naked skull will be perfect for hiding your hair and disguising yourself as a bald character. Cosmetic glue will be recommended to fix the contours of the false...
Masque enfant en mousse EVA - Coccinelle,Farfouil en fête,Masques

Child's EVA foam mask - Ladybug

€1.00 EUR €0.73 EUR
This mask for children is made of EVA , a very comfortable and reassuring foam . It has an elastic band to allow it to be held on the face....
Tutu adulte vert néon 35 cm,Farfouil en fête,Jupes, tutus, jupons

Neon green adult tutu 35 cm

€5.54 EUR €3.61 EUR
This tulle tutu is available in one adult size. It measures 35 cm long. It is fluorescent green , with an elastic and satiny waistband. Perfect to complete your 80s...
Guirlande fanions triangle USA 6 mètres,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

Guirlande fanions triangle USA 6 mètres

€2.52 EUR €1.82 EUR
Guirlande fanions triangle USA 6 mètres Guirlande en plastique de 6 mètres avec 15 fanions en polyester représentant le drapeau des États-Unis. Idéale pour célébrer les USA lors de fêtes...
Masque Squid Game Triangle-Farfouil en fête

Squid Game Triangle Mask

€9.08 EUR €6.53 EUR
This mask , straight out of the hit Squid Game™ series, is available in one size. It is black, mesh and printed with a white triangle . It will hold...
Moustache Charlie Chaplin noire 1er prix,Farfouil en fête,Moustaches, barbes

Mustache Charlie Chaplin black 1st prize

€2.02 EUR €1.45 EUR
This black mustache is adhesive. It will be perfect to accessorize your Charlie Chaplin costume and much more!
Marteau en plastique Harley Quinn,Farfouil en fête,Armes

Harley Quinn Plastic Hammer

€16.64 EUR €7.48 EUR
This plastic hammer , under official license, is approximately 35 cm long. It imitates the mallet of the Harley Quinn™ character. This accessory will be perfect to complete your disguise,...
Cocarde en tissu de 5 cm à pans France,Farfouil en fête,Cravates, Noeuds papillons

5 cm fabric rosette with panels France

€1.51 EUR €1.09 EUR
This cockade with sides , in tricolor fabric, measures 5 cm in diameter. It simply attaches with a safety pin provided. Perfect for French national commemorations or to celebrate the...
Holster double noir (ceinture et deux étuis),Farfouil en fête,Ceinture, bretelle

Double black holster (belt and two holsters)

€15.03 EUR €10.82 EUR
This black double holster consists of a belt and two holsters . The material of the holster perfectly imitates leather. The belt has a silver metal buckle . Holsters slip...
Bombe de fil fou serpentin 83 ml,Farfouil en fête,Cotillons, serpentins, sans gênes, confettis

Serpentine crazy yarn bomb 83 ml

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
This coil bomb contains 83 ml of product to spray on your friends! It exists in 4 colors: blue, green, yellow and red. This crazy yarn bomb will be perfect...
Déguisement enfant Katsuki Bakugo My Hero Academia™ licence officielle,Farfouil en fête,Déguisements

Katsuki Bakugo My Hero Academia™ child costume, officially licensed

€58.38 EUR From €37.95 EUR
This Katsuki Bakugo costume for children , officially licensed My Hero Academia ™ , consists of a top , pants , a belt , cuffs and a collar . It...


Chemin de table en lin vichy rouge 5 x 28 cm,Farfouil en fête,Chemins et sets de table

Red gingham linen table runner 5 x 28 cm

€9.98 EUR €7.19 EUR
This table runner is 5 meters long and 28 cm wide . The red and white fabric, gingham print, consists of 40% cotton and 60% polyester. It will be perfect...
Déguisement adulte rasta homme,Farfouil en fête,Déguisements

Adult rasta costume for men

€37.81 EUR From €24.59 EUR
This Rasta costume for men consists of a tunic , shorts and a hat with hair. It comes in sizes S/M and L/XL. The tunic is black with short sleeves....


Condamné / épouvantail animé sur pied 2 mètres,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

Condemned / animated scarecrow on foot 2 meters

€241.00 EUR €156.65 EUR
This large Halloween mannequin depicts a scarecrow/death row approximately 2 meters tall. Animated , he is dressed in an old plaid shirt and burlap. A rope is present around his...
20 serviettes en papier 33 x 33 cm Naruto™,Farfouil en fête,Nappes, serviettes

20 paper napkins 33 x 33 cm Naruto™

€4.94 EUR €3.56 EUR
These 20 3-ply paper napkins measure 33 x 33 cm. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they are printed with the characters of Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke. Perfect for a...
6 flacons à bulles Coupes de champagne,Farfouil en fête,Jouets

6 bubble bottles Champagne glasses

€4.54 EUR €3.27 EUR
This bag contains 6 bottles , in the shape of champagne glasses, to make soap bubbles . The rod for making bubbles is inside the bottle. To send thousands of...
4 Sacs à cadeaux en papier 15,8 x 23,6 cm Naruto™,Farfouil en fête,Sacs, sacoches

4 Paper Gift Bags 15.8 x 23.6 cm Naruto™

€4.94 EUR €3.56 EUR
These paper gift bags measure 6.25" x 9.25". Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they represent the characters Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke. Perfect for giving nice gifts during a party...
8 gobelets en carton 250 ml Naruto™,Farfouil en fête,Verres et gobelets

8 paper cups 250 ml Naruto™

€4.28 EUR €3.09 EUR
These cardboard cups have a capacity of 250 ml. Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they are printed with the characters of Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke. Perfect for a pretty...
Costume adulte Bonemine licence officielle Astérix©,S,Farfouil en fête,Déguisements

Bonemine adult costume official license Asterix©

€56.36 EUR €40.58 EUR
This Bonemine costume, under official Asterix© license, consists of a top and a skirt . Available in size S, M, L and XL. The top is pale pink and white...


Déguisement adulte indienne Squaw femme,Farfouil en fête,Déguisements

Squaw Indian adult costume for women

€37.81 EUR From €24.59 EUR
This Indian costume for women consists of a dress , a belt , leggings and a headband . It comes in sizes S/M and L/XL. The dress is made in...


Boite à meuh / boite vache,Farfouil en fête,Jouets de kermesse

Moo box / cow box

€3.53 EUR €2.54 EUR
The moo box , also called cow box, is an object which, when turned over (directing the holes present on its upper face downwards) then put back in the right...
Cruche à lait en zinc 12 x 17,5 cm,Farfouil en fête,A definir

Zinc milk jug 12 x 17.5 cm

€10.59 EUR €7.62 EUR
This metal milk jug measures 12 cm in diameter and 17.50 cm in height. Made of metal aged silver , it can be used in rustic decoration , by slipping branches and flowers...
Squelette factice articulé 160 cm 1er prix,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Articulated dummy skeleton 160 cm 1st price

€50.31 EUR €36.23 EUR
This fake skeleton can be placed or hung using a cord attached to the head. He measures 160 cm in height. The limbs are articulated to make him take the...
Déguisement garçon classique Harry Potter™,4/6 ans,Farfouil en fête,Déguisements

Harry Potter™ Classic Boy Costume

€27.13 EUR From €12.21 EUR
This Harry Potter™ costume for children consists of a dress , a crest , glasses and a wand . It comes in sizes 4/6 years, 6/8 years, 8/10 years and...


4/6 years
6/8 years old
8/10 years
10/12 years old
Ballon en aluminium Cigogne Rose 135 cm 53" Grabo Balloons®,Farfouil en fête,Ballons

Pink Stork Foil Balloon 135cm 53" Grabo Balloons®

€9.98 EUR €6.50 EUR
This foil balloon represents a stork , holding a baby in its beak, all in pink and white tones . It is suitable for inflation with air or helium. Delivered uninflated....
PERRUQUE MADONNA BLONDE ANNEE 80,Farfouil en fête,Perruque


€10.99 EUR €7.91 EUR
Déguisement adulte Tortue Géniale Dragon Ball Z™ licence officielle,Farfouil en fête,Déguisements

Master Roshi Dragon Ball Z™ Adult Costume Officially Licensed

€56.36 EUR €40.58 EUR
This Roshi costume for adults , under official Dragon Ball Z™ license , consists of a top , pants and a padded shell . It is available in sizes M,...


Masque enfant de renard en plastique,Farfouil en fête,Masques

Plastic fox child mask

€2.52 EUR €1.63 EUR
This plastic mask represents a fox . It is available in one child size. It comes with an elastic to hold it to the head. Perfect for dressing up at...
Déguisement adulte classique Neytiri Avatar™ femme,Farfouil en fête,Déguisements

Adult classic Neytiri Avatar™ costume for women

€60.40 EUR From €27.18 EUR
This Neytiri costume from the Avatar™ movies consists of a jumpsuit and ears . It comes in sizes S, M, L and XL. The jumpsuit is striped/marbled, in two shades...


Déguisement enfant Luigi™ classique garçon,Farfouil en fête,Déguisements

Boys' classic Luigi™ children's costume

€37.72 EUR From €16.98 EUR
This classic Luigi costume for children consists of a jumpsuit , a cap and a mustache . It is available in sizes XS (3/4 years), S (4/6 years), M (7/8 years)...


4/6 years
7/9 years old
10/12 years old
XS (3-4yrs)

Find all the winter sales in this collection! Costumes, decorations, accessories, wigs, party favors and many other categories are waiting for you at low prices! Until February 7, only good deals! More than 2000 products at reduced prices!