Pompoms, suspensions

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5 Suspensions en carton et spirales 60 cm One Piece™,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

5 One Piece™ cardboard and spiral suspensions 60 cm

€4.54 EUR €3.27 EUR
These  5 pendants measure 60 long. It consists of medallions measuring 17 cm in diameter . Officially licensed One Piece™ , they represent the characters of Luffy, Nami, Zoro and...
Pompom satin corail 40 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Coral satin pompom 40 cm

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This tissue paper pompom is coral in color. It measures 40 cm in diameter. Easy to form, this ball to hang will find its place inside, as outside, on the...
Décoration à suspendre lustre cascade Rose Gold,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Rose Gold Waterfall Chandelier Hanging Decoration

€17.04 EUR €12.27 EUR
This Rose gold hanging decoration is fireproof and measures 40 x 115 cm. Ideal for large rooms, this waterfall chandelier will be perfect for a Christmas , end of year...
Décoration de plafond vague Rose Gold 50 x 450 cm,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

Rose Gold wave ceiling decoration 50 x 450 cm

€9.98 EUR €6.99 EUR
This Rose Gold wave ceiling decoration measures 50 x 450 cm. It has powerful adhesives allowing it to be easily positioned in a large room. Perfect for your Christmas decorations...
5 Suspensions en carton et spirales 60 cm Dragon Ball Super™,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

5 Cardboard and spiral suspensions 60 cm Dragon Ball Super™

€4.54 EUR €3.27 EUR
These  5 pendants measure 60 long. It consists of medallions measuring 17 cm in diameter . Officially licensed Dragon Ball Super™ , they are printed with the character of Goku,...
Pompom satin bubble gum 40 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Bubble gum satin pompom 40 cm

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This tissue paper pompom is candy pink . It measures 40 cm in diameter. Easy to form, this ball to hang will find its place inside, as outside, on the...
Fillette possédée 90 cm,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

Possessed girl 90 cm

€35.30 EUR €24.71 EUR
What's more disturbing than a possessed child ! This hanging mannequin represents a demonic little girl . She measures 90 cm. She speaks with a horrible disturbing voice, moves and...
Dame blanche animée rieuse 130 cm,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

Animated laughing white lady 130 cm

€50.42 EUR €35.30 EUR
This hanging mannequin represents a White Lady , draped in white/gray torn fabric. She measures approximately 130 cm. Attached to her chains, she gesticulates in all directions, laughing and screaming...
Boule de sapin en bois tête du Père Noël 12 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Santa's head wooden fir ball 12 cm

€1.91 EUR €1.34 EUR
This wooden suspension for fir tree measures 12 cm in height. It represents a head of Santa Claus, in a traditional spirit. It is fixed on a natural cord. This...
Noeud rouge brillant 23 x 38 cm,Farfouil en fête,Noeuds

Shiny red bow 23 x 38 cm

€5.54 EUR €3.88 EUR
This large red shiny plastic bow measures 9" x 15". It has a link on the back, to attach it to your door , to your windows or in your...
Découpe en carton Aigle USA,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

USA Eagle Cardboard Cutout

€1.91 EUR €0.96 EUR
This cardboard cutout measures 33 X 45 cm, it is printed on both sides and features an eagle on a United States background.
2 Supensions piments chili pepper,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

2 chili pepper soups

€4.94 EUR €2.47 EUR
2 Chili Pepper suspensions, measuring 76cm in height.
Suspension clown de l'horreur animé 153 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Animated horror clown hanging lamp 153 cm

€35.30 EUR €24.71 EUR
This hanging mannequin represents a horror clown , dressed in colorful clothes. It measures 153 cm in height. His arms move , his eyes light up and he makes a...
5 Suspensions en carton et spirales 60 cm Naruto™,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

5 Cardboard and spiral suspensions 60 cm Naruto™

€4.54 EUR €3.27 EUR
These 5 suspensions measure 60 long. It consists of medallions measuring 17 cm in diameter . Officially licensed Naruto Shippuden™ , they represent the characters of Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and...
3 petits noeuds dorés brillants 10 x 12,7 cm,Farfouil en fête,Noeuds

3 small shiny gold bows 10 x 12.7 cm

€4.28 EUR €3.00 EUR
These 3 small golden shiny plastic bows measure 10 x 12.7 cm. They have a link on the back, so you can attach it to your tree , on your...
Noeud or brillant 23 x 38 cm,Farfouil en fête,Noeuds

Shiny gold bow 23 x 38 cm

€5.54 EUR €3.88 EUR
This large gold shiny plastic bow measures 9" x 15". It has a link on the back, to attach it to your door , to your windows or in your...
Prisonnier zombie animé 230 cm,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

Animated zombie prisoner 230 cm

€45.38 EUR €31.76 EUR
This hanging mannequin represents a zombie prisoner , dressed in a striped outfit. It measures approximately 230 cm. He is tied and hanging by his hands, bawling and talking to...
Rideau carré métallisé 100 x 200 cm - Or,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

Metallic square curtain 100 x 200 cm - Gold

€4.28 EUR €3.00 EUR
This curtain made of gold metallic squares is 100 cm wide and 2 meters long. You can ideally place it on a door , a passage or a wall ....
Noeud argent brillant 23 x 38 cm,Farfouil en fête,Noeuds

Shiny silver bow 23 x 38 cm

€5.54 EUR €3.88 EUR
This large silver shiny plastic bow measures 9" x 15". It has a link on the back, to attach it to your door , to your windows or in your...
Pompom satin bleu dragée 40 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Candy blue satin pompom 40 cm

€2.02 EUR €1.42 EUR
This tissue paper pompom is blue sugared almond . It measures 40 cm in diameter. Easy to form, this ball to hang will find its place inside, as outside, on...
Mini éventail Bleu dragée 20 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Mini fan Blue dragee 20 cm

€1.00 EUR €0.70 EUR
This openwork blue dragee paper fan measures 20 cm in diameter . It can be hung in your room decoration for Easter , a themed birthday , a baby shower...
Set de décorations à suspendre Faons 7,5 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Fawn hanging decoration set 7.5 cm

€1.51 EUR €1.06 EUR
These hanging decorations represent 6 fawns . They are made of paper, decorated with beads. Perfect for decorating your Christmas tree or even your festive table . This decoration is...
Poumons ensanglantés en latex à supendre,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Bloody latex lungs to hang

€5.30 EUR €3.70 EUR
This latex suspension represents bloody lungs. It measures 12 x 6 x 20 cm. Very realistic, it will be perfect for your killer butcher horror decor!
Luste cascade tricolore 1.20M,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Tricolor waterfall chandelier 1.20M

€18.66 EUR €9.33 EUR
This tricolor blue, white, red cascading chandelier is ideal for livening up your room decoration around the Euro 2016 football tournament, ideally in the center of a room or above...
Pompom satin rose vintage 40 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Vintage pink satin pompom 40 cm

€2.02 EUR €1.42 EUR
This tissue paper pompom is vintage pink . It measures 40 cm in diameter. Easy to form, this ball to hang will find its place inside, as outside, on the...
Moulin à vent patriotique USA,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

USA Patriotic Windmill

€10.99 EUR €5.49 EUR
This windmill in the colors of the United States measures 91 cm in height and 38 cm in width. It will be perfect for a USA-themed table decoration. No choice...
Lanterne étoile blanche 60 cm,Farfouil en fête,Lampions, lanternes, boules alvéolés

White star lantern 60 cm

€5.05 EUR €3.53 EUR
This white star-shaped lantern measures 60 cm in diameter . Made of non-fireproof cardboard , it is only intended for decorative use and cannot contain wax candles. Openwork , it...
3 petits noeuds rouges brillants 10 x 12,7 cm,Farfouil en fête,Noeuds

3 small shiny red bows 10 x 12.7 cm

€4.28 EUR €3.00 EUR
These 3 small red shiny plastic bows measure 10 x 12.7 cm. They have a link on the back, so you can attach it to your tree , on your...
Rideau frangé métallisé 100 x 200 cm - Irisé,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

Metallic fringed curtain 100 x 200 cm - Iridescent

€3.53 EUR €2.47 EUR
This iridescent fringed curtain , in pink tones, measures 100 cm wide by 2 meters long. You can ideally place it on a door , a passage or a wall ....
Tête arrachée en latex à suspendre,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Latex torn off head to hang

€20.06 EUR €14.05 EUR
This latex suspension represents a torn off and bloody disfigured head. It measures 16 x 17 x 30 cm. Very realistic, it will be perfect for your killer butcher horror...
Pompom satin jaune 40 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Yellow satin pompom 40 cm

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This tissue paper pompom is yellow in color. It measures 40 cm in diameter. Easy to form, this ball to hang will find its place inside, as outside, on the...
Rideau pour fenêtres momie 80 x 120 cm,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

Window curtain mummy 80 x 120 cm

€8.82 EUR €6.17 EUR
This window curtain measures 120 cm high and 80 cm wide. It's printed with a mummy trying to get home! Perfect for creating a horror atmosphere during your Halloween party...
Pompom satin vert céladon 40 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Celadon green satin pompom 40 cm

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This tissue paper pompom is celadon green . It measures 40 cm in diameter. Easy to form, this ball to hang will find its place inside, as outside, on the...
Éventail Bubble gum 53 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Bubble gum fan 53 cm

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This openwork pink bubble gum paper fan measures 53 cm in diameter . It can be hung in your room decoration for Easter , a themed birthday , a baby...
LOT DE 8 OISEAUX EXOTIQUES 45 CM ASSORTIS,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions


€4.94 EUR €2.47 EUR
Lot of 8 cardboard cutouts, exotic birds and other parrots. 45cm in height.
Éventail Bleu dragée 53 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Blue sugared almond fan 53 cm

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This openwork blue dragee paper fan measures 53 cm in diameter . It can be hung in your room decoration for Easter , a themed birthday , a baby shower...
Éventail en papier Baby girl 40 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Baby girl paper fan 40 cm

€4.54 EUR €2.27 EUR
This pink paper fan for hanging measures 40 cm in diameter. A cardboard baby's head decorates the center of the suspension. Easy to unfold, it will find its place inside,...
Décoration symboles chinois en PVC,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

Decoration Chinese symbols in PVC

€1.91 EUR €0.96 EUR
This plastic 3D decoration measures 17 x 54 cm. It is red and gold. Perfect for a Chinese themed party or for the Lunar New Year !
Éventail en papier Baby boy 40 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Baby boy paper fan 40 cm

€4.54 EUR €2.27 EUR
This blue paper fan for hanging measures 40 cm in diameter. A cardboard baby's head decorates the center of the suspension. Easy to unfold, it will find its place inside,...
Pompom satin blanc 40 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

White satin pompom 40 cm

€2.52 EUR €1.77 EUR
This tissue paper pompom is white in color. It measures 40 cm in diameter. Easy to form, this ball to hang will find its place inside, as outside, on the...
Chauve-souris à suspendre 52 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Hanging bat 52 cm

€12.61 EUR €8.82 EUR
This hanging bat measures 52 cm. The body of the animal is in black velvet . The eyes are in red rhinestones. The two large wings are folded. This upside-down...
12 suspensions spirales Dinosaures,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

12 dinosaur spiral suspensions

€10.99 EUR €5.49 EUR
This bag contains 12 dinosaur sipra suspensions , in green and blue tones. They measure from 43 to 81 cm. Perfect for a dinosaur-themed birthday party !
Lanterne étoile rose pastel 60 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Pastel pink star lantern 60 cm

€4.54 EUR €3.18 EUR
This star-shaped pink lantern measures 60 cm in diameter . Made of non-fireproof cardboard , it is only intended for decorative use and cannot contain wax candles. Openwork , it...
GUIRLANDE ROSACE HALLOWEEN 55CM ORANGE ET NOIR,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions


€2.47 EUR €1.25 EUR
This hanging paper fan measures 55 cm in diameter. Easy to unfold, it will find its place indoors, outdoors (in good weather only), on the occasion of Halloween , a...
12 supensions spirales en carton Licornes,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

12 unicorn cardboard spiral suspensions

€10.99 EUR €5.49 EUR
These 12 suspensions are made of pink, purple and blue metallic plastic . They measure between 43 cm and 80 cm long. They hang with a transparent nylon thread and...
Décoration feuilles d'automne - Modèle aléatoire,Farfouil en fête,Décorations

Decoration autumn leaves - Random model

€1.00 EUR €0.73 EUR
This cardboard cutout represents autumn leaves . It measures approximately 38 cm. Perfect for your fall decoration or for Thanksgiving ! No choice of model / random shipment depending on availability....
Lanterne étoile rose pastel 30 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Pastel pink star lantern 30 cm

€3.03 EUR €2.18 EUR
This pink star-shaped lantern measures 30 cm in diameter . Made of non-fireproof cardboard , it is only intended for decorative use and cannot contain wax candles. Openwork , it...
Kit de décorations "Bonnes Fêtes" 15 pièces,Farfouil en fête,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières

15-piece "Happy Holidays" decoration kit

€30.24 EUR €21.16 EUR
This decoration kit for the end of year celebrations made of : - 6 black and white balloons, printed with golden stars - 1 pennant garland, white and black, printed "Happy Holidays" -...
4 suspensions bébé bleu 72 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

4 blue baby pendant lights 72 cm

€3.28 EUR €1.65 EUR
These 4 suspensions are made of blue plastic. They hang with a transparent nylon thread and unfold on their own to give this swirl shape. A baby's face , feet...
Pompom satin vert céladon 15 cm,Farfouil en fête,Pompons, suspensions

Celadon green satin pompom 15 cm

€1.00 EUR €0.70 EUR
This tissue paper pompom is celadon green . It measures 15 cm in diameter. Easy to form, this ball to hang will find its place inside, as outside, on the...
Discover our collection of pompoms, suspensions for your room decoration, you will find many colors and shapes for all your events.