halloween zombie decoration theme

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Cornet de frites avec doigts ensanglantés,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

French fries cone with bloody fingers

€7.05 EUR €4.94 EUR
French fries cone with bloody fingers Add a spooky touch to your Halloween decor with this fast food french fry cone containing severed, bloody fingers. Product Features Fast food style:...
Assiette avec cervelle en sauce 20 cm,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Plate with brains in sauce 20 cm

€11.10 EUR €7.77 EUR
Plate with brains in sauce 20 cm Dive into horror with this macabre plate filled with brains in sauce, perfect for completing your Halloween decorations. Product Features Dimensions: 20 cm...
Projecteur de film laser comprenant 12 films sur halloween ou noël avec écran,Sons et lumières,Farfouil_en_fete

Laser movie projector including 12 movies about halloween or christmas with screen

€59.50 EUR
12 MOVIES : Create an out-of-the-ordinary decoration by playing a Christmas movie or a spooky house on Halloween! 12 built-in movies: 6 Christmas and 6 Halloween! The projector with stand...
Enfant de l'horreur rampant 39 cm,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Child of horror crawling 39 cm

€25.20 EUR €17.64 EUR
This mannequin represents a child / baby zombie. It is approximately 59cm long. He crawls on the ground. It is also sound ! Perfect for adding a little (more) horror...
8 boites à pop-corn bleu pastel, blanc et or,Contenants alimentaire,Farfouil_en_fete

8 pastel blue, white and gold popcorn boxes

€4.03 EUR €2.82 EUR
This set contains 8 blue and white striped popcorn boxes with gold edges. They measure 7 x 7 x 12.5 cm. Perfect for decorating your table on the theme of...
Accessoire d'épaule main en latex La Chose licence officielle Mercredi™ Ghoulish®,Accessoires de déguisement,Farfouil_en_fete

Latex hand shoulder accessory The Thing officially licensed Wednesday™ Ghoulish®

€20.06 EUR €14.05 EUR
This shoulder accessory represents the Thing , from the Addams Family™ universe. It will be attached to your shoulder to accompany your Wednesday costume! It will also find its place...
Cerveau XL en barquette,A definir,Farfouil_en_fete

XL brain in tray

€5.05 EUR €3.53 EUR
This tray contains a PVC fake brain , measuring 16 x 12 cm. He's completely bloodied, wrapped up like a piece of meat. Indispensable in your bloody decor, worthy of...
Coeur arraché en barquette,A definir,Farfouil_en_fete

Heart torn in tray

€4.54 EUR €3.18 EUR
This tray contains a fake PVC heart . He's completely bloodied, wrapped up like a piece of meat. Indispensable in your bloody decor, worthy of a butcher's shop, for Halloween...
Stylo Seringue sanglante,Cadeaux anniversaires festifs et rigolos,Farfouil_en_fete

Bloody Syringe Pen

€2.02 EUR €1.45 EUR
This pen represents a syringe filled with blood . Perfect as a gift or to embellish your Halloween decoration !
Zombie sortant de terre animé 130 cm,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Zombie coming out of the ground animated 130 cm

€40.33 EUR €28.23 EUR
This mannequin represents a zombie coming out of the ground. It measures approximately 130 cm. He moves (slowly), his eyes blink and he squeals hoarsely. Perfect for adding a little...
Kit 4 planches de barricade 14 X 69 cm,A definir,Farfouil_en_fete

Kit 4 barricade boards 14 X 69 cm

€8.98 EUR €6.28 EUR
Use this set of 4 barricade boards to create an entrenched atmosphere! Comes with double-sided, just stick these boards on a door or wall! Perfect for a zombie or monster...
Tête arrachée en latex à suspendre,Pompons, suspensions,Farfouil_en_fete

Latex torn off head to hang

€20.06 EUR €14.05 EUR
This latex suspension represents a torn off and bloody disfigured head. It measures 16 x 17 x 30 cm. Very realistic, it will be perfect for your killer butcher horror...
Guirlande 8 ampoules halloween avec son et lumière 2,4 m,A definir,Farfouil_en_fete

Garland 8 halloween bulbs with sound and light 2.4 m

€23.09 EUR €16.17 EUR
What's scarier than a flickering light and a sizzling old neon noise? Here is what this light garland offers with these 8 bulbs and a length of 2.40 m! Ideal...
6 Étiquettes d'horreur pour bouteilles de vin,Marques places, marques verres, étiquettes, porte-nom,Farfouil_en_fete

6 Horror labels for wine bottles

€1.37 EUR €0.96 EUR
Human blood? Really ?! This kit contains 6 "label" stickers, with an aged look . They will allow you to personalize bottles and flasks , with questionable contents! Perfect for decorating and...
GUIRLANDE HALLOWEEN GEANTE MAINS EN PLASTIQUE,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières,Farfouil_en_fete


€4.94 EUR €2.47 EUR
This plastic garland is 6 meters long. Each pennant is 45 x 30 cm. Each pennant features a bloody zombie hand. This garland will give a morbid atmosphere to your...
Décoration de fenêtres statiques Halloween - modèles aléatoires,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Halloween Static Window Decoration - Random Patterns

€1.91 EUR €1.34 EUR
Decorate your windows for Halloween ! These static and reusable decoration sheets come in 4 different designs: bloody skulls, bloody hands and paws, a haunted house and spider webs. Perfect...
Rideau pour fenêtres momie 80 x 120 cm,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Window curtain mummy 80 x 120 cm

€8.82 EUR €6.17 EUR
This window curtain measures 120 cm high and 80 cm wide. It's printed with a mummy trying to get home! Perfect for creating a horror atmosphere during your Halloween party...
Main d'Halloween La Chose La Famille Addams,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Halloween Hand The Thing The Addams Family

€24.19 EUR €16.93 EUR
This decoration in the shape of a severed hand represents the Thing , from the Addams Family™ universe. It measures 14.5 x 13.5 x 16.5 cm and is made of...
DECOR DE PLAFOND TOMBE OUVERTE 90 x 152CM,A definir,Farfouil_en_fete


€9.98 EUR €5.00 EUR
Open Grave Ceiling Decor 90 X 152Cm
Kit de décoration Scène de Crime 8 pièces,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Crime Scene Decoration Kit 8 pieces

€10.24 EUR €7.18 EUR
This “Crime Scene” decoration kit contains: - 5 numbered signs - A chalk to trace the contours of a body on the ground - A “Caution – Danger” ribbon -...
Bombe en spray de faux sang 75 ml,Effets spéciaux pour déguisements,Farfouil_en_fete

Fake blood spray can 75 ml

€2.52 EUR €1.82 EUR
This spray contains 75 ml of fake blood for clothes . Usage tips : Shake well before use. Spray from a distance of 25 cm, holding the can in a...
Chemin de table en coton gaufré vieux rose 300 x 26 cm,Chemins et sets de table,Farfouil_en_fete

Old pink waffle cotton table runner 300 x 26 cm

€11.35 EUR €7.95 EUR
This table runner is 3 meters long and 26 cm wide . It is made of old rose waffle cotton, of superior quality. It will be perfect to decorate your...
Bandage / gaze effet sang séché 150 x 200 cm,Chapeaux,Farfouil_en_fete

Bandage / dried blood effect gauze 150 x 200 cm

€5.84 EUR €4.09 EUR
This bloody gauze bandage measures 150 x 200 cm. It has a "dried blood" effect. Perfect for your decoration or Halloween costume !
SACHET DE 6 BALLONS ZOMBIES 28 CM 11" QUALATEX,Ballons,Farfouil_en_fete


€3.53 EUR €3.00 EUR
This bag contains 6 black balloons, representing zombie heads , as well as spots. They are suitable for inflation with air or helium . Features: Diameter: 11" / 28 cm...
Os des cavernes 28 cm,A definir,Farfouil_en_fete

Cave bones 28 cm

€3.01 EUR €2.17 EUR
This plastic cave bone is 28 cm long. It is white/cream and worn. Perfect to complete your caveman costume or to put in your horror decor !
Sachet de 100 ballons 28 cm 11" Marron Balloonia®,Ballons,Farfouil_en_fete

Bag of 100 balloons 28 cm 11" Brown Balloonia®

€8.98 EUR €7.64 EUR
This bag contains 100 brown balloons . They are suitable for inflation with air or helium . Features : Diameter: 11" / 28 cm approx. Gas capacity: 0.016 m³ Weight...
BALLON ALU CARRÉ "DANGER ZOMBIE" 45 CM 18" QUALATEX,Ballons,Farfouil_en_fete


€2.93 EUR €2.11 EUR
This aluminum balloon has the inscriptions "Danger" and "Zombie" all around the balloon. In the center, there is a zombie on a yellow panel . It is suitable for inflation...
Poupée latex Halloween 25 x 11 x 50 cm - Modèle aléatoire,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Halloween latex doll 25 x 11 x 50 cm - Random model

€32.52 EUR €22.77 EUR
This decoration to stand represents a terrible clown doll . It measures 25 x 11 x 50cm. The first model is dressed in a black and orange polka dot clown...
Sachet de 12 ballons de 28 cm Noir Balloonia®,Ballons,Farfouil_en_fete

Bag of 12 balloons of 28 cm Black Balloonia®

€2.01 EUR €1.40 EUR
This bag contains 12 black balloons . They are suitable for inflation with air or helium . Features : Diameter: 11" / 28 cm approx. Gas capacity: 0.016 m³ Weight...
Bougeoir en résine main de zombie 11 x 6 cm,Bougies, bougeoirs, photophores,Farfouil_en_fete

Zombie hand resin candle holder 11 x 6 cm

€5.14 EUR €3.61 EUR
This black resin candle holder measures 11 x 6 cm. It depicts a decaying zombie hand . Perfect for adding a morbid touch to your Halloween decoration !
Poumons ensanglantés en latex à supendre,Pompons, suspensions,Farfouil_en_fete

Bloody latex lungs to hang

€5.30 EUR €3.70 EUR
This latex suspension represents bloody lungs. It measures 12 x 6 x 20 cm. Very realistic, it will be perfect for your killer butcher horror decor!
Prisonnier zombie animé 230 cm,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Animated zombie prisoner 230 cm

€45.38 EUR €31.76 EUR
This hanging mannequin represents a zombie prisoner , dressed in a striped outfit. It measures approximately 230 cm. He is tied and hanging by his hands, bawling and talking to...
Bras coupé taille réelle,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Full size severed arm

€9.98 EUR €6.99 EUR
This fake severed arm is made of latex, padded with foam. Two broken bones are visible at the elbow. The arm and hand are completely bloodied. This decoration will be...
Condamné / épouvantail animé sur pied 2 mètres,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Condemned / animated scarecrow on foot 2 meters

€241.00 EUR €156.65 EUR
This large Halloween mannequin depicts a scarecrow/death row approximately 2 meters tall. Animated , he is dressed in an old plaid shirt and burlap. A rope is present around his...
Main sanglante sur crochet,A definir,Farfouil_en_fete

Bloody hand on hook

€5.05 EUR
This torn off hand is plastic. It is completely shredded and a hook has been planted in it. It will be perfect for your bloody Halloween decoration !
Main animée et sonore 20 cm,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Animated and sound hand 20 cm

€23.20 EUR
This bloody hand measures 20 cm. She walks and plays scary music and sounds ! Ideal for Halloween , it will be perfect for creating a horror decor !
Suspension professeur fou 100 cm,Pompons, suspensions,Farfouil_en_fete

Mad professor hanging lamp 100 cm

€25.20 EUR
This hanging mannequin represents a mad professor , with a syringe in his hand. It measures approximately 100 cm in height. He moves and his eyes blink . It is...
Tête ensanglantée murale,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Wall Bloody Head

€13.61 EUR €9.98 EUR
This wall decoration represents a bloody zombie face . It measures approximately 30 cm. Perfect for adding a little (more) horror to your Halloween decor !
Bande de délimitation scène de crime Zombie Zone,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Zombie Zone Crime Scene Barrier Tape

€4.03 EUR
This roll contains 10 meters of "Zombie Zone" boundary tape . It is black and red and is 7.6 cm wide. Perfect for creating a zombie -themed crime scene at...
3 têtes de poupée 8 cm,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

3 doll heads 8 cm

€4.03 EUR €2.93 EUR
This lot contains 3 horror doll heads , with dark eyes. Each measures 8 cm in diameter. Perfect to add to your spooky Halloween decoration !
Planches de 40 stickers Halloween Pastel,Autocollants décoratifs,Farfouil_en_fete

Sheets of 40 Pastel Halloween stickers

€3.03 EUR
This s sheets contain 40 stickers representing pumpkins , spiders , ghosts and many other motifs from the Halloween Pastel universe ! They will allow you to personalize invitation cards ,...
4 mains de poupées 21 cm,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

4 doll hands 21 cm

€5.05 EUR €3.93 EUR
This lot contains 4 horror doll hands , grayish in color. Each measures 12 cm. Perfect to add to your spooky Halloween decoration !
Bande de délimitation scène de crime Zone Interdite,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Prohibited Zone crime scene boundary tape

€5.05 EUR
This roll contains 10 meters of "Forbidden Zone" boundary tape . It is black and yellow and measures 7.6 cm wide. Perfect for creating a crime scene at your Halloween...
Photobooth Halloween 12 pièces,Jeux entre amis,Farfouil_en_fete

Halloween photobooth 12 pieces

€4.03 EUR
This set of 12 props on sticks, on the theme of Halloween , will be perfect for having fun together while taking photos! Several combinations are possible: have fun doing...
Guirlande Halloween Pastel 3 mètres x 19,5 cm,Guirlandes, fanions et bannières,Farfouil_en_fete

Pastel Halloween garland 3 meters x 19.5 cm

€5.05 EUR
This cardboard garland is 3 meters long. It consists of pastel letters of 19.50 cm each, forming the words Happy Halloween . Perfect for decorating your room with a childish...
Chemin de table en gaze de coton bleu pastel 300 x 30 cm,Chemins et sets de table,Farfouil_en_fete

Table runner in pastel blue cotton gauze 300 x 30 cm

€12.10 EUR
This table runner is 3 meters long and 30 cm wide . It is made of pale blue cotton gauze, of superior quality. It will be perfect to decorate your...
8 boites à pop-corn blanc et or,Contenants alimentaire,Farfouil_en_fete

8 white and gold popcorn boxes

€4.54 EUR
This set contains 8 white popcorn boxes with gold edges. They measure 7 x 7 x 12.5 cm. Perfect for decorating your natural and trendy table , for all festive...
8 petites cuillères en bois rose pastel et or,Couverts jetables,Farfouil_en_fete

8 teaspoons in pastel pink and gold wood

€2.52 EUR
This sachet contains 8 spoons , in natural, pastel pink and gold colours. Made of wood, they will be compostable ! Perfect for a pretty eco-responsible table!
6 décorations pour gâteaux Rip zombie 12,5 cm Halloween Pastel,Sujets gâteaux,Farfouil_en_fete

6 Rip Zombie Cake Topper 12.5cm Halloween Pastel

€3.03 EUR
This bag contains 6 decorations for cakes in cardboard , 12.50 cm. They represent pastel green zombie hands. Perfect for personalizing your cake , while decorating your table for Halloween !
Main du cercueil,Décorations,Farfouil_en_fete

Hand of the coffin

€30.25 EUR
This table decoration represents a brown coffin , from which a gray hand comes out. This coffin and its hand light up and flash a green color inside, with a...
Discover our collection of decorations on zombies for halloween.